اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر

اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر (School leaving age) کسی شخص کی قانونی طور پر لازمی ثانوی تعلیم چھوڑنے کی اجازت کی کم از کم عمر ہے۔

اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر کا عالمی نقشہ

اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر بلحاظ ملک


رنگ کلید
  اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر زیادہ
  روزگار کی عمر زیادہ
  دونوں عمروں مطابقت پزیر
  معلومات نہیں / کوئی عمر سیٹ نہیں


# ملک ازروئے قانون تعلیم/
روزگار خلا
سال ملاحظات
اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر روزگار کی عمر
 الجزائر 16 0 2011
 انگولا 1214 2 2010
 بینن ?14 2005
 بوٹسوانا 015 15 2004
 برکینا فاسو 1615 -1 2009
 برونڈی 1216 4 2010
 کیمرون 14 0 2001
 کیپ ورڈی 1614 -2 2001
 چاڈ 150 -15 2007
 اتحاد القمری 140 -14 1998
 جمہوریہ کانگو 16 0 2006
 مصر 14 0 2010
 اریتریا 1314 1 2007
 ایتھوپیا 0 0 2005
 گیبون 16 0 2001
 گیمبیا 0 0 2000
 گھانا 1512 -3 2005
 جمہوریہ گنی 16 0 2012
 کینیا 0 0 2006
 لیبیا 15 0 2002
 مڈغاسکر ?14 2010
 ملاوی 014 14 2008
 موزمبیق ?15 2009
 مراکش 130 -13 2003
 نمیبیا 1614 -2 2011
 نائجر 1614 -2 2008
 نائجیریا 150 -15 2009
 روانڈا 16 0 2012
 سینیگال 1615 -1 2006
 سیچیلیس 15 0 2011
 سیرالیون 15?0 2006
 جنوبی افریقا 15 0 2011 [1][2]
 سوڈان 014 14 2010 بشمول جنوبی سوڈان
 تنزانیہ 13?14 2005
 ٹوگو 1514 -1 2010
 تونس 16 0 2008
 یوگنڈا ?0 2004
 زیمبیا 0 0 2002
 زمبابوے 0 0 1995


# ملک ازروئے قانون تعلیم/
روزگار خلا
سال ملاحظات
اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر روزگار کی عمر
 افغانستان 015 15 2010
 آرمینیا ?14 2011
 آذربائیجان ?15 2005
 بحرین 1514 -1 2010
 بنگلادیش 1014 4 2008
 برونائی دارالسلام 014? 2003 [3]
 برما 013 13 2011 [4]
 کمبوڈیا 015 15 2010
 چین 1516 1 2012 [5]
 جارجیا 1416 2 2007
 بھارت 1414? 2003 [6]
 ہانگ کانگ 1516 1 2012
 انڈونیشیا 1514 -1 2010? [7]
 ایران 1615 -1 2003?
 عراق ?15 1996
 اسرائیل 1814 -4 2011? [8]
 جاپان 15 0 2009 [9]
 اردن 16 0 2006
 لبنان 1213 1 2005
 منگولیا 1714 -3 2009
 مالدووا 1615 -1 2008
 نیپال 014 14 2004
 شمالی کوریا 16 0 2008
 جنوبی کوریا 15 0 2011 [10]
 کویت 1514 -1 2012
 ملائیشیا 17 0 2006? [11]
 مالدیپ 014 14 2006
 پاکستان 1014 4 2009? [12]
 فلپائن 1618 2 2009? [13]
 سعودی عرب 15 0 2010? [14]
 سنگاپور 1615 -1 2010? [15]
 سری لنکا 1410 -4 2010
 سوریہ 15 0 2010
 تائیوان 18 0 2010?
 تاجکستان 1614 -2 2009
 تھائی لینڈ 15 0 2011 [16]
 متحدہ عرب امارات 1821 3 2001
 ازبکستان 1816 -2 2012
 ویت نام 1815 -3 2011? [17]
 یمن ?14 2004


# ملک ازروئے قانون تعلیم/
روزگار خلا
سال ملاحظات
اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر روزگار کی عمر
 البانیا 1416 2 2011
 انڈورا 16 0 2001
 آسٹریا 15 0 2011
 بیلاروس 1514 -1 2010
 بلجئیم 1815 -3 2009? [18]
 بوسنیا و ہرزیگووینا ?15 2011
 بلغاریہ 16 0 2007
 کرویئشا 15 0 2003
 قبرص 15 0 2011
 چیک جمہوریہ 15 0 2010
 ڈنمارک 1613 -3 2010
 انگلستان 1813-15 (پارٹ ٹائم ہلکا کام) 16+ (کل وقتی) 2013[19] [20][21][22]
 استونیا 15 0 2002
 فن لینڈ 1615 -1 2010 [23]
 فرانس 16 0 2010 [24][25]
 جرمنی 18(15) -3 2003 [26][27][28][29][30]
 یونان 15 0 2011
 مجارستان 1816 -2 2005
 آئس لینڈ 16 0 2010
 آئرلینڈ 16(14) -2 2000 [31][32][33][32][34][35][35][35][36][37][38]
 اطالیہ 16 0 2010
 لٹویا 15 0 2005
 لیختینستائن 15 0 2005
 لتھووینیا 16 0 2011
 لکسمبرگ 15 0 1997
 جمہوریہ مقدونیہ 18?15 2009? [39]
 مالٹا 16 0 2012 [40]
 موناکو 16 0 2012
 مونٹینیگرو 15 0 2010
 نیدرلینڈز 1813 -5 2014 [41]
 نیدرلینڈز انٹیلیز 1512 -3 2010?
 ناروے 1615 -1 2009
 شمالی آئرلینڈ 16 2014[19]
 پولینڈ 1816 -2 2002 [42]
 پرتگال 1816 -2 2009
 رومانیہ 1815 -3 2008?
 روس 15 0 2004
 سان مارینو 16 0 2003
 سکاٹ لینڈ 16(13) -3 2013[19] [43]
 سربیا 1415 1 2007
 سلوواکیہ 16(14) -2 2006? [44]
 سلووینیا 15 0 2012
 ہسپانیہ 16 0 2009
 سویڈن 16 0 2004
 سویٹزرلینڈ 15 0 2001
 ترکی 1815 -3 2011
 یوکرین 1716 -1 2010
 ویلز 16(14) -2 2013[19] [45]

شمالی امریکا

# ملک ازروئے قانون تعلیم/
روزگار خلا
سال ملاحظات
اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر روزگار کی عمر
 بارباڈوس 1616? 1997
 بیلیز 14 0 2004
 کینیڈا 16 or 1815 1 2014 [46]
 کوسٹاریکا ?15 2010
 کیوبا 16 0 2010
 ڈومینیکا 1612 -4 2004?
 جمہوریہ ڈومینیکن 15 0 2007?
 ایکواڈور 15 0 2009
 ایل سیلواڈور 14 0 2009
 گریناڈا 14 0 2009
 گواتیمالا ?0 2008
 ہیٹی ?15 2002
 ہونڈوراس 1314 1 2006
 جمیکا 1412 -2 2003
 میکسیکو 14 0 2005
 نکاراگوا ?14 2010
 پاناما 15 0 2011
 سینٹ کیٹز و ناویس 16 0 1997
 سینٹ وینسینٹ و گریناڈائنز 014? 2001
 ٹرینیڈاڈ و ٹوباگو 12 0 2004
 ریاستہائے متحدہ 1614 -2 2010 [47][48][49]



# ملک ازروئے قانون تعلیم/
روزگار خلا
سال ملاحظات
اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر روزگار کی عمر
 آسٹریلیا 15 or 1714.5 1 2011 [50]
 فجی 012 12 1996
 جزائر مارشل 1418 4 2005
 ریاستہائے وفاقیہ مائکرونیشیا 140 -14 1996
 نیوزی لینڈ 16 0 2010 [51]
 پاپوا نیو گنی 0 0 2003
 پلاؤ 170 -17 2000
 جزائر سلیمان 012 12 2002

جنوبی امریکا

# ملک ازروئے قانون تعلیم/
روزگار خلا
سال ملاحظات
اسکول چھوڑنے کی عمر روزگار کی عمر
 ارجنٹائن 1814 -4 2009
 بولیویا 1614 -2 2009
 برازیل 1715 -2 2010 [52]
 چلی 1815 -3 2005 [53]
 کولمبیا 1514 -1 2005
 گیانا 15 0 2003
 پیراگوئے 14 0 2009 [54]
 پیرو 1618 2 2009 [55]
 سرینام 10?14 2005
 یوراگوئے 1415 1 2006
 وینیزویلا 14 0 2007

حوالہ جات

  1. A child between the ages of 15 and 18 may only be employed if he or she has completed the ninth grade.
  2. Prinslean Mahery؛ Paula Proudlock (اپریل 2011)۔ "Legal guide to age thresholds for children and young people" (اشاعت 5۔)۔ Children's Institute, University of Cape Town۔ صفحہ 12۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل (پی‌ڈی‌ایف) سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 8 اکتوبر 2011۔
  3. Compulsory Education in Brunei from Primary Education to Secondary Education. Tertiary Education is encouraged.
  4. De facto none
  5. Compulsory education lasts 9 years. School leaving age is calculated under the assumption that pupils will enroll in school at age 6 or graduate high school at age 18.
  6. The Government is making a law of compulsory education up to 14 years. Any person who wishes to continue his education can continue to work.
  7. The school leaving age varies among provinces with most having a leaving age of 15, but a handful having a leaving age of 18.
  8. The age of employment has been lowered, the school leaving age raised.
  9. The vast majority (>90%) of Japanese students complete senior secondary education due to social pressures, despite the leaving age.
  10. The vast majority of Korean students complete senior secondary education due to social pressures as well as self-satisfaction, despite the leaving age. Government assistance is available to families.
  11. Students must complete form 5.
  12. Although the minimum age for leaving school is 10 years or primary, which means a 7 year education, the minimum age of employment is considered to be 14. The 14 years old can do only light work and not hazardous employment.
  13. The legal employment age in the Philippines is 18, but it is also violated by some.
  14. A student may leave school after the age of 15 if permission of his/her father is given. Otherwise, the student must complete school until the age of 18. The employment age in a part-time job or during school holidays is 15.
  15. Primary school is compulsory, followed by secondary school. 16 is the school leaving age; one may leave only after the release of Singaporean GCE 'O' Level results for admission to polytechnics, junior colleges, Institute of Technical Education, or work. 15 is the minimum employment age. Under-aged people are not allowed to be employed or they risk fines by the Ministry of Manpower.
  16. Students must complete secondary education up to Matthayom 3 and then have the choice of proceeding to upper secondary, vocational schools or dropping out, however due to social pressures most students finish their secondary education and proceed to Matthayom 6, matriculation or other forms of pre-university education.
  17. Junior High schools are now compulsory, but in some mountainous regions, many children leave schools earlier to help their parents. The government is trying to reduce that happening. Children must be at least 15 to be legally employed.
  18. Full-time education is compulsory from the age of 6 to 15. From the person's 16th to their 18th birthday, they are obliged to pursue at least part-time education so they have a choice between full-time or part-time education.
  19. "School leaving age - GOV.UK"۔ GOV.UK۔ Government Digital Service۔ 2014-01-09۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-04-02۔
  20. Full-time employment is illegal before the last Friday in June of Year Eleven even if the child is already 16.
  21. "Getting a full-time Job at 16"۔ Connexions Direct۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2009-01-11۔
  22. Part-time employment may be undertaken from 14 and in certain cases, for example delivering newspapers, at 13. Rules coming into application in 2011 require all young people to continue with some kind of education or training until 18. Young people aged 16 or 17 may leave school if they enter training or an apprenticeship.
  23. Citizens must complete comprehensive school. The age of finishing it varies depending on the age of starting school (mostly 7) and years held back. Most graduate from comprehensive school at the age of 16. Pupils who have not finished comprehensive school by the age of 17 (which is marginal) may quit school. Post-secondary (tertiary) education is voluntary.
  24. The statutory minimum school leaving age is 16. There are, however, a few specific cases where young people may enter employment before the age of 16, such as employment in the parents' company, sporadic work, or young people who have left school early taking up an apprenticeship at 15, to name a few.
  25. Contribution to EIRO thematic feature on Youth and work - case of France
  26. The statutory minimum school leaving age is essentially set at 18.
  27. "School: leaving it too early" - by Andrew Leigh
  28. The federal Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz (Youth Employment Protection Act) regulates the minimum employment age, which is set at 15.
  29. Text of the German Youth Employment Protection Act in German, provided by the German Federal Ministry of Justice.
  30. However, from the person's 15th to their 18th birthday, they are obliged by state law to pursue at least part-time vocational secondary education, usually within the German dual education system.
  31. The statutory minimum age is 16, except for those who have completed less than three years of secondary education, for whom it is 18.
  32. "Children and rights in Ireland"۔ Citizens Information۔ Ireland: Citizens Information Board۔ 3 اپریل 2013۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 6 جنوری 2014۔
    • "School attendance"۔ Citizens Information۔ Ireland: Citizens Information Board۔ 2 جنوری 2014۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 6 جنوری 2014۔
    • "Education (Welfare) Act, 2000"۔ Irish Statute Book۔ §§2, 17۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 6 جنوری 2014۔
  33. The minimum working ages are: 14 during school holidays; 15 during term time; 16 for working up to 40 hours per week and 8 hours per day; 18 for working with no age-based restrictions.
  34. Employees under 18 must be registered.
  35. Exemptions may be specified by the Minister for Jobs; this has been done for close relatives.
  36. "S.I. No. 2/1997 - Protection of Young Persons (Employment of Close Relatives) Regulations, 1997."۔ Irish Statute Book۔ مورخہ 24 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 6 جنوری 2014۔
  37. Compulsory secondary education starts year 2008 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 49 from 18 April 2007).
  38. Although the compulsory education ends at 16, an increasing number of children opt to further their studies while taking up part-time employment.
  39. Education is compulsory from the age of 5 to 18. Secondary education is divided in several levels, with vmbo students typically graduating at age 16, havo students at 17 and vwo students at 18. After obtaining a havo or vwo diploma, the student is no longer obligated to go to school regardless of their age. Except those students which have done vmbo, they must have a mbo level 2 or higher diploma before quitting school. Also, all children between those ages, even if they're refugees or new, have to attend school. Not attending school with-out proper reason for example; sickness or a doctors visit, is illegal and is seen as wagging which is seen as fraud and punishable by law. Until the age of 12 children cannot be punished by law, but as soon as your child or you turn 12 years of age or older, you can be held responsible for wagging. Punishments can be done as a fine, temporary jail time or a community service job done under supervision. Fines can be up to € 3 900 00. These punishments can be given to the student and/or his or her legal parent or guardian.
  40. After graduating from Gimnazjum (usually at the age of 15 or 16) one can leave school but is legally required to continue education up to the age of 18. However, this requirement can be satisfied through "education during employment" without attending a school. This can be done as a part of employment, so technically the person leaves school and works full-time.
  41. Compulsory education ends usually after the age of 16 which is generally after fourth year though for some is halfway through fifth year usually. However, many students stay on to fifth and/or sixth year, where qualifications are gained for entry to جامعہ. Restrictions apply to working hours of those 13 to 16 year (i.e. maximum hours, work permits, type of work) to ensure that employment fits round requirements of full-time education.
  42. From 14 to 17, only part-time jobs allowed.
    Student can leave school after 10 years of school atendance (usually 16 years) or when first school year after his/her 16th birthday is finished (whatever comes first). Most students continue until maturita exam in last year of high school (student is usually 18 at that time).
  43. Full-time work starts at 16.
  44. http://www.canadianlabour.ca/action-center/minimum-age-campaign/minimum-age-laws-canada
  45. The school leaving age varies from state to state with most having a leaving age of 16 or 17, but a handful having a leaving age of above that number.
  46. Marga Mikulecky (اپریل 2013)۔ "Compulsory School Age Requirements" (پی‌ڈی‌ایف)۔ Education Commission of the States۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ جنوری 8, 2015۔
  47. Students who complete a certain level of secondary education ("high school") may take a standardized test and be graduated from compulsory education, the General Equivalency Degree. Gifted and talented students are also generally permitted by several states to accelerate their education so as to obtain a diploma prior to attaining the leaving age. Young people may seek employment at 14 in many states but, in practice, most employers seek someone slightly older. However, it is common for those aged 14 (and even younger) to gain employment in agriculture.
  48. The minimum ages from 2009 will be the following:
    Northern Territory - 15;
    ACT - 15;
    South Australia - 17;
    Queensland - 17;
    Victoria - 17;
    Western Australia - 15;
    NSW - 17 (if they want to not do their HSC they need to be working at least 25 hours per week or at TAFE studying until they turn 17);
    Tasmania - 17.
  49. Those at least 15 may leave school with permission from the Ministry of Education.
  50. Schooling is mandatory for children 6-16 (years 1-9 in the new Brazilian school system). After that, there is no legal obligation to stay in school. Students who want to qualify for university admission must however complete three additional years (years 10-12) of secondary school (ensino médio), thus normally leaving school at age 17 or 18, depending on one's birthday date. The minimum age for legal work is 17; at 15, one is allowed to have an apprenticeship contract.
  51. Students finish their secondary education (Educación Media in Spanish) at age 18, and working is legal only if the underaged employee (age 17 or younger) is authorised by legal guardian or parents,
  52. Since the initiation of the Education Reform in 1993, basic education is for a period of nine years to the age of 15. According to the Constitution, compulsory education ends at 12.
  53. (Work is legal at 15,16 if is authorised by legal guardian or parents) |Employers are obliged to report regularly on the performance and attendance of students who they employ to help ensuring their education does not suffer because of their employment.
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