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Influenza estacional, más información

Preguntas y respuestas

¿Cuándo es la temporada de influenza en los Estados Unidos?

En los Estados Unidos, la temporada de influenza es en otoño e invierno. While influenza viruses circulate year-round, most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, but activity can last as late as May. The overall health impact (e.g., infections, hospitalizations, and deaths) of a flu season varies from season to season. CDC collects, compiles, and analyzes information on influenza activity year-round in the United States and produces FluView, a weekly surveillance report, and FluView Interactive, que permite un análisis más profundo de los datos de vigilancia de la influenza. La Resumen semanal actualizado sobre la influenza en los EE.UU. is updated each week from October through May.

¿De qué manera los CDC controlan el progreso de la temporada de influenza?

Los CDC recopilan datos durante todo el año e informes sobre la actividad de la influenza (gripe) en los Estados Unidos each week. The U.S. influenza surveillance system consists of five separate categories that allow CDC to:

  • Descubrir cuándo y dónde se produce la actividad de la influenza
  • Hacer un seguimiento a enfermedades relacionadas con la influenza
  • Determine what types of influenza viruses are circulating
  • Detect changes in the influenza viruses collected and analyzed
  • Measure the impact of influenza in the United States

Estos componentes de vigilancia permitirán a los CDC determinar cuándo y dónde se produce la actividad de la influenza, determinar qué tipos de virus de influenza hay en circulación, detectar cambios en los virus de influenza recolectados y analizados, hacer un seguimiento de los patrones de enfermedades relacionadas con la influenza y medir el impacto de influenza en los Estados Unidos. Toda la comunicación sobre la actividad de la influenza por estados, laboratorios y proveedores de atención médica es voluntaria. Para obtener más información sobre las actividades de vigilancia de la influenza de los CDC, vea el Visión general de la vigilancia de la influenza en EE. UU.

¿Por qué hay una demora de una semana entre los datos y cuándo se informa?

Influenza surveillance data collection is based on a reporting week that starts on Sunday and ends on the following Saturday of each week. Each surveillance participant is requested to summarize the weekly data and submit it to CDC by the following Tuesday afternoon. The data are then downloaded, compiled, and analyzed at CDC. The data are used to update FluView y FluView Interactive on the following Friday.

¿Cuántas personas se enferman o mueren a causa de la influenza cada año?

Flu seasons vary in severity depending on a number of factors including the characteristics of circulating viruses, the timing of the season, how well the vaccine is protecting against influenza infection, and how many people got vaccinated. While the impact of influenza varies from season to season, it places a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States: millions of people become ill, hundreds of thousands are hospitalized and thousands or tens of thousands of people die from flu every year. Vea "Carga de la enfermedad de la influenza " para obtener más información.

La "influenza estomacal" ¿es realmente influenza?

Many people use the term "stomach flu" to describe illnesses with nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Estos síntomas puede ser provocados por muchos tipos diferentes de virus, bacterias o incluso parásitos. While vomiting, diarrhea, and/or being nauseous or "sick to your stomach" can sometimes be related to the flu -these problems are rarely the main symptoms of influenza and are more commonly reported in children than adults. The flu is a primarily a respiratory disease, - common symptoms are fever (or feeling feverish/chills), cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose and/or muscle aches - and not a stomach or intestinal disease.

¿Circulan otros virus respiratorios durante la temporada de influenza?

In addition to flu viruses, several other respiratory viruses also circulate during the flu season and can cause symptoms and illness similar to those seen with flu infection. These respiratory viruses include rhinovirus (one cause of the "common cold") and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which is the most common cause of severe respiratory illness in young children as well as a leading cause of death from respiratory illness in those aged 65 years and older.

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