The Energy Equation

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Most kids (and most adults) understand the need to make healthy food choices, get enough sleep, or participate in physical activity regularly. But people do not always base their actions on what they know. One of the challenges of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is to help people translate health information into action.

In this activity, students review the components of the Energy Equation: Food + Sleep + Physical Activity = Energy. They think about the barriers to and benefits of acting on each component of the equation. Finally, students develop a plan for putting their health knowledge into practice.

Relevant Standards
This activity fulfills science and health education standards [PDF - 211 KB].

Students will:

  • Research the need for the recommended nutrition, sleep, and physical activity to have optimal energy by playing several interactive games on the BAM! Body and Mind™ Web site
  • Analyze the barriers to and benefits of eating right, getting enough sleep, and participating in physical activity for students their age
  • Translate their research into action by developing a motivational/educational piece on one of the topics that helps overcome the barriers they have discussed

BAM! Body and Mind Resources:

  • Jumble Gym — A word and definition match game that is packed with words and definitions related to physical activity.
  • Picnic Pickup — Students avoid junk foods and click on the healthy, nutritious foods to win points and maintain their energy. 
  • Pillow Pitch — Learn about how important sleep is.

