You got it! Caffeine is a chemical that is found in lots of foods we eat and liquids we drink. It is in tea, coffee, chocolate and soda. You can’t taste caffeine, but if you get too much, you might feel it in the form of a headache, tummy ache and jumpiness/nervous sensations. All of this stuff can happen if you have a lot of sugar too! It is super easy to just grab a pastry or fruit drink in the morning. But eating too much will ultimately make you feel tired and run-down. Caffeine and sugar can also make it hard to fall asleep, even hours after downing your favorite soda!
If you rely on caffeine or sugar to get going every morning, that’s a sign that something else in your energy equation might be off-balance. Are you going to bed later than usual? Have less time for physical activity? Then make some changes until you wake up refreshed, not drained. For more tips on getting serious shut-eye, check out SLEEP.