نوبل انعام یافتہ مسلمان شخصیات کی فہرست

2018 تک ، نوبل انعام یافتہ بارہ اراکین مسلمان رہے ہیں ، اکیسویں صدی میں نصف سے زیادہ۔ بارہ انعام یافتہ افراد میں سے سات کو نوبل امن انعام سے نوازا گیا ہے ، جبکہ تین سائنس دانوں کے لئے ہیں۔ طبیعیات میں 1979 کے نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والے ، عبد السلام ، پاکستان کی احمدیہ برادری کے ایک ممبر تھے۔ عزیز سانکار ترکی کا دوسرا نوبل انعام یافتہ ہے اور اسے سال 2015 میں سالماتی حیاتیات کے شعبے میں کیمسٹری میں نوبل انعام سے نوازا گیا تھا۔


سال تصویر انعام یافتہ ملک اور پیشہ کارنامہ تبصرہ
1978 انور سادات (25 December 1918 – 6 October 1981) مصرian صدر جمہوریہ He, along with مناخم بیگن was awarded 1978 نوبل امن انعام "for their contribution to the two frame agreements on peace in the Middle East, and on peace between Egypt and Israel, which were signed at Camp David on September 17, 1978".[1] The first Muslim to receive a Nobel Prize.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
1994 یاسر عرفات (24 August 1929 – 11 November 2004) Palestinian سیاست دان The 1994 نوبل امن انعام was awarded jointly to Arafat, شمعون پیریز and اسحاق رابین "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East".[9][10] The first Muslim Palestinian to receive a Nobel Prize.[2][11][12][13][14][15]
2003 شیریں عبادی (born 21 June 1947) Iranian Human Rights Activist The 2003 نوبل امن انعام was awarded to Ebadi "for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children".[16] The first and only Iranian to receive a Nobel Prize. She was also the first Muslim woman to receive such an honor.[2][17][18][19][20] Note that ڈورس لیسنگ born and raised for 5 years in modern day Iran is a fellow laureate.
2005 محمد البرادعی (born June 17, 1942) مصرian حکمت عملی The 2005 نوبل امن انعام was jointly awarded to El Baradei and IAEA "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way".[21][22] He was the second Egyptian to be awarded نوبل امن انعام (2005).[2][23][24][25][26]
2006 محمد یونس (born 28 June 1940) بنگلہ دیشi economist and founder of گرامین بینک. The 2006 نوبل امن انعام was jointly awarded to Yunus and Grameen Bank "for their efforts to create economic and social development from below".[27] The first Bangladeshi and Bengali Muslim Nobel laureate, and overall, the third person from بنگال to win a Nobel prize.[2][28][29][30][31][32][33]
2011 توکل کرمان (born 7 February 1979) Human rights activist based in یمن. A prominent leader in the عرب بہار. The 2011 نوبل امن انعام was jointly given to ایلن جانسن سرلیف, لیما غبووی and Karman "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation in peace-building work".[34] The first عرب لوگ woman and first and only Yemeni to receive a نوبل انعام.[35][36][37][38][39]
2014 ملالہ یوسفزئی (born 12 July 1997) پاکستانi activist, working for rights to education for children in Pakistan. The 2014 نوبل امن انعام was jointly given to کیلاش ستیارتھی and Yousafzai, "for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education".[40] At the age of 17, Yousafzai is the youngest Nobel Prize recipient ever.[41] She is also the second Pakistani and first ethnic Pashtun to be awarded a Nobel Prize.[42]


سال تصویر انعام یافتہ ملک اور پیشہ کارنامہ تبصرہ
1988 نجیب محفوظ

(11 December 1911 – 30 August 2006)

مصرian author, noted for his contribution to modern عربی ادب The 1988 نوبل انعام برائے ادب was given to Naguib Mahfouz "who, through works rich in nuance—now clear-sightedly realistic, now evocatively ambiguous—has formed an Arabian narrative art that applies to all mankind".[43][44] The first Muslim author to receive such a prize.[2][45][46]
2006 اورخان پاموک (born 7 June 1952) Turkish author famous for his novels سرخ میرا نام (ناول) and Snow The 2006 نوبل انعام برائے ادب was awarded to Orhan Pamuk "who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures".[47][48] The first and only Turk to receive the Nobel Prize, He describes himself as a Cultural Muslim who associates the historical and cultural identification with the religion while not believing in a personal connection to God.[2][49][50][51]



سال تصویر انعام یافتہ ملک اور پیشہ کارنامہ تبصرہ
1999 احمد زیول

(born February 26, 1946)

مصرian-American سائنس دان The 1999 نوبل انعام برائے کیمیا was awarded to احمد زیول "for his studies of the transition states of کیمیائی تعاملs using femtosecond طیف بینی".[52] He is the only Muslim chemist to date to be awarded the Nobel Prize and the second Muslim scientist.[2][53][54][55][56]

مزید پڑھیے




آب بیتی =

  • Iran Awakening: One Woman's Journey to Reclaim Her Life and Country (2007) by شیریں عبادی (ISBN 978-0-676-97802-5).[64]
  • احمد زیول خود نوشت.[65]
  • Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of محمد یونس, Founder of گرامین بینک. بین الاقوامی معیاری کتابی عدد-10: 0195795377 & بین الاقوامی معیاری کتابی عدد-13: 978-0195795370.[66]
  • Anwar Sadat۔ In Search of Identity: An Autobiography۔ New York: Harper & Row۔ آئی ایس بی این 0-06-013742-8۔، بین الاقوامی معیاری کتابی عدد-13:978-0060137427.[67]

مزید دیکھیے

حوالہ جات

The year of receiving نوبل انعام is given after each نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والوں کی فہرست in this article. For verification of candidacy of above listed نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والوں کی فہرست, please go to نوبل انعام,[68] and search the corresponding year of reception of نوبل انعام in the respective field.

  1. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1978", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved March 24, 2012.
  2. "مسلمان نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والوں کی فہرست", 'Islamic History Month کینیڈا' accessed March 24, 2012
  3. 'Answer.com' article on انور سادات, retrieved March 24, 2012.
  4. 'Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1978' by انور سادات, نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved April 5, 2012.
  5. "The Islamization Of مصر" by Adel Guindy,retrieved April 7, 2012.
    Sadat's famous slogan, "I am a Muslim president of a Muslim state" '
  6. "Anwar Al-Sadat, The First سیاست اسلامیہ Ruler In Egypt's Modern History", Coptic Nationalism,posted March 30, 2012, retrieved April 7, 2012.
    "The Pope must understand that I am a Muslim President of a Muslim State"
    Source: 'The exact words of Sadat in Arabic are: "إن البابا يجب أن يعلم أنني رئيس مسلم لدولة مسلمة." These words Mohamed Hassanein Heikal translates in his book, Autumn of Fury, as, "The Pope must understand that I am the Muslim President of a Muslim country." [Mohamed Heikal, Autumn of Fury, the Assassination of Sadat (London; Corgi Book; 1984); p. 228] This is not an accurate translation. The words should be translated as in the text of my article with an emphasis on the words "a Muslim State", that is Egypt.'
  7. 'انور سادات', NNDB,retrieved April 7, 2012.'Muslim'
  8. Peacemaker hero انور سادات by Youssef, 'The My Hero Project', accessed March 21, 2012.
    "Sadat was a devout Muslim from his early days, benefiting from an Islamic education"
  9. 'Yasser Arafat-Biography', نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved April 5, 20122.
  10. "The Nobel Peace Prize 1994", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved March 24, 2012.
  11. Yasser Arafat - Biographical
  12. "Yasser Arafat-Nobel Lecture", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved April 5, 2012.
  13. 'The Muslim Arafat',retrieved April 5, 2012.
  14. 'Yasser Arafat', NNDB, retrieved April 7, 2012.'Muslim'
  15. Jewish Virtual Library, accessed March 24, 2012.
    "a Sunni Muslim".
  16. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2003", نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved March 24, 2012.
  17. "Nobel Peace Prize winner promotes her new book The Golden Cage", by Jasmine Gould, 'Connect2Mason',dated April 26, 2011, retrieved April 4, 2012.
    "The first Iranian and Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in human rights"
  18. "Shirin Ebadi – Iran 2003", 'Meet the Laureates', Nobel Women's Initiative,accessed April 4, 2012.
    "She is the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize"
  19. "In the name of the God of Creation and Wisdom", Nobel Lecture by شیریں عبادی, Oslo, December 10, 2003, نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved April 4, 2012.
  20. "شیریں عبادی: A Conscious مسلمان" by Diana Hayworth, accessed March 24, 2012.
    "For some, Ms. Ebadi is a source of inspiration and pride,as she is the first Muslim woman and only Iranian to receive the Nobel Peace Prize."
  21. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2005", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved March 24, 2012.
  22. "Mohamed El-Baradei-Biography", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved April 5, 2012.
  23. "Outgoing IAEA chief leaves complex legacy",Jahn, George (30 November 2009), Associated Press, accessed 5 February 2011 on msnbc.com.
    ElBaradei, who describes himself as having a Muslim background, sometimes cites his favorite Christian prayer when speaking of his role on the world stage.
  24. "NNDB article on محمد البرادعی", retrieved March 24, 2012.'Muslim'.
  25. "Muslim Contribution to World Peace" by Minhaj Qidwai, accessed March 21, 2012.
    "Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize Mohamed ElBaradei an Egyptian Muslim can be a role Model for all those who want to contribute towards peace and prosperity in the modern world."
  26. 'Nobel Lecture by Mohamed El-Baradei, Oslo, December 10, 2005.', نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved April 5, 2012.
    "I am an Egyptian Muslim"
  27. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2006", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved March 24, 2012.
  28. "Yunus martyred, Bangladesh marred" by 'Misha Hussain', Dawn.com,April 6, 2011, retrieved April 7, 2012.
    "a Bengali and a Muslim"
  29. "محمد یونس Ways", 'Islamic Inspiration', published March 27, 2011, retrieved March 24, 2012.
    "he is a Muslim"
  30. 'Muhammad Yunus (1940- )', The Union of Islamic World Students,retrieved April 5, 2012,'a devout muslim'
  31. 'Muhammad Yunus', NNDB,retrieved April 5, 2012.'Muslim'
  32. "Microcredit pioneer wins Nobel Peace Prize — and puts Episcopalian- and Anglican combatants to shame",The Questioning Christian, dated October 13, 2006, retrieved April 5, 2012.
  33. , خرد مالیہ and Islamic Finance - A Perfect Match by Dr. Linda Eagle, accessed March 24, 2012.
    "A Muslim Bangladeshi economist and economics professor"
  34. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2011", نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved March 24, 2012.
  35. Democracy Now! article on توکل کرمان, "یمنi Activist Tawakkul Karman, First Female عرب لوگ Nobel Peace Laureate: A Nod for Arab Spring", dated October 7, 2011, retrieved March 21, 2012.
  36. "Tawakul Karman, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Talks the Talk and Walks the Walk" by 'Sahar Taman', The Huffington Post, published October 8, 2011, retrieved April 7, 2012.
    "a Yemeni Muslim woman"
  37. "In the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful",Nobel Lecture by Tawakkul Karman, Oslo, 10. December 2011, نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved April 5, 2012.
  38. "Tawakel Karman (The Nobel Peace Prize winner 2011) & حجاب (معاشرہ)" by 'Sarah Ahmed', dated December 12, 2011, retrieved March 21, 2012.
    "She is a co-recipient of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the first Yemeni, the first Arab woman, and the second Muslim woman to win a Nobel Prize and the youngest Nobel Peace Laureate to date."
  39. "Tawakkul Karman is the first arab woman and the youngest Nobel Peace Laureate in حجاب (معاشرہ)", 'Haute Hijab', December 20, 2011, accessed March 21, 2012.
    "Tawakkul Karman, a Muslim, was the first Arab woman awarded the Nobel Peace Laureate"
  40. "The Nobel Peace Prize 2014" (پی‌ڈی‌ایف)۔ Nobel Foundation۔ مورخہ 26 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل (پی‌ڈی‌ایف) سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 2014-10-10۔
  41. Malala and Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize - BBC News
  42. "Malala Yousafzai, Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize"۔ Dawn۔ 14 اکتوبر 2014۔ مورخہ 26 دسمبر 2018 کو اصل سے آرکائیو شدہ۔ اخذ شدہ بتاریخ 14 اکتوبر 2014۔
  43. "The Nobel Prize in Literature 1988", نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved March 24, 2012.
  44. 'Nobel Lecture by Naguib Mahfouz', نوبل فاونڈیشن,retrieved April 5, 2012.
  45. "Naguib Mahfouz's اشتراکیتic تصوف: An Intellectual Journey from the Wafd to اسلام معرفت", Yagi, Kumiko, Ph.D. Harvard University, 2001. 235 pages. Adviser: Graham, William A. Publication Number: AAT 3028463, accessed March 24, 2012.
  46. "Naguib Mahfouz – The Son of Two Civilizations" by 'Anders Hallengren', article on نجیب محفوظ, نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved March 24, 2012.
    "a pious moslem believer"
  47. "The Nobel Prize in Literature 2006", نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved March 24, 2012.
  48. 'Orhan Pamuk-Autobiography', نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved April 5, 2012.
  49. "اورخان پاموک, نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والوں کی فہرست, in Conversation with Reza Aslan", Levantine Cultural Center , posted October 16, 2009, accessed March 21, 2012.
  50. "اورخان پاموک: Incompatibility of Islam and Democracy Has Been Disproven", 'Islam Today', dated March 30, 2011, retrieved April 5, 2012.
  51. "Do you consider yourself a Muslim?",
    "Orhan Pamuk and the Turkish Paradox", Spiegel Online, dated December 21, 2005, retrieved March 21, 2012.
    "I consider myself a person who comes from a Muslim culture. In any case, I would not say that I'm an atheist. So I'm a Muslim who associates historical and cultural identification with this religion. I do not believe in a personal connection to God; that's where it gets transcendental. I identify with my culture, but I am happy to be living on a tolerant, intellectual island where I can deal with Dostoyevsky and Sartre, both great influences for me."
  52. "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999", نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved March 24, 2012.
  53. مسلمان "Nobel Prize Winner Ahmed Hassan Zewail" by Bernie, 'Planck's constant', accessed March 24, 2012.
  54. احمد زیول's کیلیفورنیا انسٹیٹیوٹ آف ٹیکنالوجی site.
  55. سائنس in the Islamic world: an interview with نوبل انعام حاصل کرنے والوں کی فہرست احمد زیول, The Fountain Magazine, Issue 67, January–February 2009, retrieved March 21, 2012.
    "I'm very proud of the value system that I was given by my family and the way I grew up as a Muslim in Egypt."
  56. "The West and Islam need not be in conflict" by 'Ahmed Zewail', The Independent, October 24, 2006, retrieved April 11, 2012.
    "The author is the only Arab Muslim to receive the Nobel Prize in science, 1999"
  57. Mysticism in Contemporary Islamic Political Thought by John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge,Volume XIX, Nos. 1 and 2, 2006, Humanitas accessed April 5, 2012.
  58. New Literary History,Vol.34,No.1,Inquiries into ethics and narratives(Winter 2003),pp. 75-90, retrieved April 5, 2012.
  59. Sunday Book Review, نیو یارک ٹائمز, By Leslie H. Gelb, published May 6, 2011, retrieved March 21, 2012.
  60. intellectual تاریخ اسلام, retrieved April 6, 2012.
  61. Orhan Pamuk and the Politics of Turkish Identity: From Islam to Istanbul [Paperback],retrieved April 5, 2012.
  62. یاسر عرفات سوانح, retrieved April 6, 2012.
  63. گوگل بکس-انور سادات:visionary who dared, retrieved April 6, 2012.
  64. شیریں عبادی's خود نوشتcal کتاب, retrieved April 6, 2012.
  65. احمد زیول خود نوشت, نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved April 5, 2012.
  66. خود نوشت of محمد یونس, retrieved April 6, 2012.
  67. انور سادات: In Search of Identity an Autobiography, retrieved April 6, 2012.
  68. All Nobel Laureates, نوبل فاونڈیشن, retrieved April 6, 2012.

بیرونی روابط

  • “Muslim Nobel Prize Winners”, 'BZNotes', accessed March 21, 2012.
  • “Muslim Nobel Prize Winners”, Scribd, accessed March 21, 2012.
  • “Nobel Laureates and the عالم اسلام” by Saleem H. Ali, Newsvine, February 14, 2010, retrieved March 21, 2012.
  • “Nobel laureates of the Islamic world” - S Iftikhar Murshed, دی نیوز, April 3, 2011, retrieved March 21, 2012.
  • “Professor عبد السلام”, accessed April 4, 2012.
  • “No Nobels for the Muslim World” by Aziz Akhmad, دی ایکسپریس ٹریبیون, published October 6, 2011, retrieved March 19, 2012.
  • “Muslim Nobel laureates: Muslim economist, writer win Nobel prizes”,accessed March 24, 2012.
  • “Abdus Salam, 'First مسلمان Nobel Laureate'”, ‘The Culture Trip’, accessed March 21, 2012.
Abdus Salam was a theoretical physicist who became the first Pakistani and the first Muslim to be awarded the Nobel Prize in the sciences.”
  • “Dr. عبد السلام: Nobel Laureate in Physics”,accessed April 4, 2012.
  • توکل کرمان speaks: Islam Supports Democracy”, 'Onislam', December 10, 2011, accessed March 21, 2012.
  • “A Muslim woman's place is in society: Nobel Laureate”, France 24, dated November 2, 2009, retrieved March 21, 2012.
  • “Nobel Prize reflects women's struggle in the Muslim world”, retrieved March 19, 2012.
  • “Nobel Peace Prize Winner Tawakkul Karman Profile: The Mother of Yemen's revolution”, The Huffington Post, dated October 7, 2011, retrieved March 19, 2012.
  • “Dear ‘World Community’: You Are Not Our Equals” by William A. Levinson, American Thinker, May 31, 2011, retrieved March 21, 2012.
  • Nobel Prize winner highlights women’s role in Arab Spring”,‘The Michigan Daily’,Published November 15, 2011, retrieved April 4, 2012.
  • نوبل امن انعام Tawakul Karman: Islam No Threat to Democracy”,reprinted ‘Positive Islam’, dated December 12, 2011, 1st printed روئٹرز December 9, 2011, accessed April 4, 2012.
  • “The Nobel Prize - Muslim Winners”,by Sadaqat,accessed April 4, 2012.
  • “Women Nobel Peace Laureates Congratulate Three New Women Laureates”, Nobel Women's Initiative,dated October 7, 2011, retrieved April 4, 2012.
Karman joins Shirin Ebadi, who won the Nobel Peace prize in 2003 for her work to bring equal rights to women in Iran, as the second Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace prize.
“As a Muslim woman, I am well aware of the difficult and severe conditions of your work and struggle,” said Ebadi in her letter today to Karman. Karman receives frequent death threats, and was thrown in jail last January. “I admire your tremendous work and courage. This victory will certainly inspire and reassure the million of Muslim women who suffer from discrimination and who fight for equality of rights between men and women—and also sends a message to countries going through the Arab Spring that true democracy will only be achieved if women also receive equal rights.”
It is not Islam or poverty that succours terrorism, but the failure to be heard
How closely have the changes and developments detailed in Mahfouz’s descriptions of ordinary Egyptian lives paralleled what the world has witnessed as ageneral growing “Islamization” of the Muslim world? In my research,I have found that other Muslim writers,such as Leila Ahmed (Egypt), Mohsin Hamid (Pakistan/India), and Orhan Pamuk (Turkey) have also observed and commented on the Islamization of the culture.
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