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Archived Interventions

The CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) promotes a High Impact Prevention (HIP) approach which aims to reduce new HIV infections via implementation of interventions that are scientifically proven, cost-effective and scalable. To align with the HIP approach, starting in 2015 the Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project shifted focus from evaluating the efficacy of all Risk Reduction (RR) interventions in the literature to only evaluating the efficacy of interventions targeted to people living with HIV (PLWH), men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender persons. (Please see PRS Risk Reduction Prioritization Plan for further details.)

In conjunction with this effort, PRS has developed a Risk Reduction archival policy. Interventions published >10 years ago will be moved from main RR Chapter if that study does not meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Targets or includes >50% MSM or PLWH or transgender persons
  2. Supported EBI by the Capacity Building Branch (CBB) (see the Effective Interventions website)

Complete Listing of Archived Risk Reduction Evidence-based Behavioral Interventions

  • Assisting in Rehabilitating Kids (ARK)
    Target population: Substance-dependent adolescents
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2002
    First author: Janet St. Lawrence
    Study years: 1995 – 1999
  • Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART)
    Target population: African American adolescents
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1995
    First author: Janet St. Lawrence
    Study years: Not reported
  • Be Proud! Be Responsible!
    Target population: Inner-city African American male adolescents
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1992
    First author: John B. Jemmott
    Study years: 1988 – 1989
  • Brief Alcohol Intervention for Needle Exchangers (BRAINE)
    Target population: Active injection drug users (IDUs) who are also heavy alcohol users
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2002
    First author: Michael D. Stein
    Study years: 1998 – 2000
  • Choices
    Target population: Low-income heterosexually active women
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2003
    First author: Sharon A. Baker
    Study years: 1994 – 1996
  • Cognitive Behavioral STD/HIV Risk-Reduction
    Target population: Heterosexual adult STD clinic patients
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 1997
    First author: Cherrie B. Boyer
    Study years: 1992 – 1993
  • Communal Effectance-AIDS Prevention (CE-AP)
    Target population: Low-income, single, inner-city females attending urban clinics
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2002
    First author: Stevan E. Hobfoll
    Study years: 1995 – 1999
  • Condom Promotion
    Target population: Young unmarried college women
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1996
    First author: Angela D. Bryan
    Study years: Not reported
  • Doing Something Different
    Target population: Inner-city STD clinic patients
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1992
    First author: Deborah A. Cohen
    Study years: 1988 – 1989
    Target population: HIV-seronegative men who have sex with men (MSM)
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2004
    First author: Beryl Koblin
    Study years: 1999 – 2003
  • Female and Culturally Specific Negotiation
    Target population: Inner city, HIV-negative, heterosexually active African American female drug injectors and crack cocaine smokers
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2003
    First author: Claire Sterk
    Study years: 1998 – 2001
  • FIO (The Future Is Ours)
    Target population: Heterosexual women in family planning clinics
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2002
    First author: Anke A. Ehrhardt
    Study years: 1994 – 1997
  • Focus on Youth (FOY)
    Target population: Low-income, urban African American youth
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1996
    First author: Bonita Stanton
    Study years: 1993 – 1996
  • FOY + ImPACT
    Target population: High-risk African American youth in low-income urban community sites
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2004
    First author: Bonita Stanton
    Study years: 1999 – 2002
  • Health Improvement Project (HIP)
    Target population: Psychiatric outpatients receiving care for mental illness
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2004
    First author: Michael P. Carey
    Study years: 1997 – 2000
  • HIV Education and Testing
    Target population: Inner-city sexually active heterosexual STD clinic patients
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 1991
    First author: Neil S. Wenger
    Study years: 1988
  • Hot, Healthy and Keepin’ it UP! (previously known as Brief Group Counseling)
    Target population: Asian and Pacific Islander (API) men who have sex with men (MSM)
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1996
    First author: Kyung-Hee Choi
    Study years: 1992 – 1994
  • Insights
    Target population: Heterosexually active, non-monogamous, young women
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2003
    First author: Delia Scholes
    Study years: 1999 – 2000
  • Intensive AIDS Education
    Target population: Incarcerated, male adolescent drug users
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1994
    First author: Stephen Magura
    Study years: 1991 – 1992
  • “light”
    Target population: Sexually active, low-income, inner-city clinic patients at high-risk for HIV and STD infection
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1998
    First author: NIMH Multisite HIV Prevention Trial Group
    Study years: 1994 – 1997
  • Modelo de Intervención Psicomédica (MIP)
    Target population: Hispanic injection drug users
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2004
    First author: Rafaela Robles
    Study years: 1998 – 2001
  • Nia
    Target population: Inner-city heterosexually active, African American men
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1999
    First author: Seth Kalichman
    Study years: 1994
  • Real AIDS Prevention Project (RAPP)
    Target population: Sexually active, low-income women of reproductive age in inner city communities
    Intervention level: Community-level
    Year published: 2000
    First author: Jennifer L. Lauby
    Study years: 1993 – 1996
  • RESPECT: Brief Counseling Booster
    Target population: Sexually active, HIV-negative STD clinic patients
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2005
    First author: Carol A. Metcalf
    Study years: 1999 – 2002
  • RESPECT: Brief Counseling
    Target population: Heterosexual, HIV-negative STD clinic patients
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 1998
    First author: Mary L. Kamb
    Study years: 1993 – 1996
  • RESPECT: Enhanced Counseling
    Target population: Heterosexual, HIV-negative STD clinic patients
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 1998
    First author: Mary L. Kamb
    Study years: 1993 – 1996
  • SAFE (Standard Version)
    Target population: Mexican American and African American women diagnosed with gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis or trichomonas in public health clinics
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1999
    First author: Rochelle N. Shain
    Study years: 1996 – 2000
  • Safer Sex
    Target population: Adolescent females diagnosed with an STD
    Intervention level: Individual-level
    Year published: 2001
    First author: Lydia A. Shrier
    Study years: 1996 – 1999
  • Safety Counts
    Target population: Out-of-treatment active crack and injection drug users
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2000
    First author: Fen Rhodes
    Study years: 1992 – 1996
  • Self-Help in Eliminating Life-Threatening Diseases (SHIELD)
    Target population: Low-income African American drug users
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2003
    First author: Carl Latkin
    Study years: 1997 – 1999
  • SEPA
    Target population: Low-income, urban Mexican and Puerto Rican women
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2005
    First author: Nilda Pergallo
    Study years: 1999 – 2001
  • Seropositive Urban Men’s Intervention Trial (SUMIT)
    Target population: HIV+ men who have sex with men (MSM)
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2005
    First author: Richard J. Wolitski
    Study years: 2000 – 2002
  • Sistering, Informing, Healing, Living, and Empowering (SiHLE)
    Target population: Sexually experienced African American adolescent girls
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2004
    First author: Ralph J. DiClemente
    Study years: 1995 – 2002
  • Sisters Saving Sisters
    Target population: Sexually active African American and Latina adolescent female patients at family planning clinics
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2005
    First author: John B. Jemmott
    Study years: Not reported
  • Sniffer
    Target population: Intranasal heroin users
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1992
    First author: Don C. Des Jarlais
    Study years: 1986 – 1988
  • Street Smart
    Target population: Runaway youth
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 1991
    First author: Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus
    Study years: 1988 – 1991
  • Teen Health Project
    Target population: Adolescents at high risk for HIV who live in urban, low-income housing developments
    Intervention level: Community-level
    Year published: 2005
    First author: Kathleen Sikkema
    Study years: 1998 – 2000
  • Together Learning Choices (TLC)
    Target population: HIV-positive adolescent and young adult clinic patients
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2001
    First author: Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus
    Study years: 1994 – 1996
  • Women’s Co-Op
    Target population: African American women who use crack and are not in drug treatment
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2004
    First author: Wendee Wechsberg
    Study years: 1999 – 2002
  • Women’s Health Promotion (WHP)
    Target population: HIV-negative heterosexual Hispanic women
    Intervention level: Group-level
    Year published: 2001
    First author: Anita Raj
    Study years: Not reported