LRC Best Practices, by Characteristic
A stratified listing of all Evidence-Based and Evidence-Informed LRC Best Practices is available by geographic region, outcome of interest, and key participant characteristics. Additional details about the LRC Chapter or the Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project can be obtained by contacting PRS.
Geographic Region
(International randomized controlled intervention studies are only eligible to be evaluated with LRC evidence-based criteria and will be noted with their country of implementation)
United States
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Clinic-based Buprenorphine Treatment
- Retention Through Enhanced Personal Contacts
- Virology FastTrack
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
- 2010 New York State HIV Testing Law NEW 2016
- Bilingual/Bicultural Care Team
- Centralized HIV Services
- Clinic-Based Surveillance-Informed Patient Retracing NEW 2016
- HIV Care Coordination Program
- Project CONNECT
- Routine Universal Screening for HIV (RUSH) NEW 2016
- Stay Connected
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Extended Counseling (Uganda)
Evidence of Improved Outcomes
Linkage to HIV Care
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Extended Counseling (Uganda)
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
Retention in HIV Care
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Clinic-based Buprenorphine Treatment
- Retention Through Enhanced Personal Contacts
- Virology FastTrack
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
- Bilingual/Bicultural Care Team
- Centralized HIV Services
- Clinic-Based Surveillance-Informed Patient Retracing NEW 2016
- HIV Care Coordination Program
- Routine Universal Screening for HIV (RUSH) NEW 2016
- Stay Connected
Re-engagement in HIV Care
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- No interventions at this time
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
Key Population
(Interventions that specifically target the selected group)
Recently Diagnosed with HIV
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Extended Counseling (Uganda)
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
Never in, Lost to, or Inconsistent in HIV Care
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
- Currently there are no EBIs that target or include a majority of participants with this characteristic.
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
- Clinic-Based Surveillance-Informed Patient Retracing NEW 2016
- HIV Care Coordination Program
- Routine Universal Screening for HIV (RUSH) NEW 2016
Treatment naïve (TxN)
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
Blacks or African Americans
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
Drug Users
Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs)
Men who have sex with men (MSM)
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
Youth or Young Adults
Evidence-Informed Interventions (EIs)
- Page last reviewed: March 24, 2017
- Page last updated: March 24, 2017
- Content source: Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention