Figure 11. Chlamydia — Proportion* of STD Clinic Patients Testing Positive† by Age Group, Sex, and Sexual Behavior, STD Surveillance Network (SSuN), 2016

Figure 11. Bar graph showing the proportion of STD clinic patients testing positive to chlamydia in 2016 by age group, sex, and sexual behavior. Data from the STD Surveillance Network (SSuN). The data represented in this figure can be downloaded at

* Proportions represent the overall average of the mean value by jurisdiction.

Results are based on data obtained from patients with known sexual behavior (n=75,114) attending SSuN STD clinics in 2016 in all SSuN jurisdictions, excluding Florida.

MSM = Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (collectively referred to as MSM); MSW = Men who have sex with women only.

NOTE: See Section A2.2 in the Appendix for SSuN methods.

The data represented in this figure can be downloaded at
