Cancer Registries’ Value for You

Cancer Registry Data Podcast

Photo of Dr. Loria Pollack

In this podcast, senior medical epidemiologist Dr. Loria Pollack explains the importance of cancer registry data to understanding how cancer affects the United States, now and in the future.

Have you ever wondered, “How do we know what causes cancer?” or “Who is most likely to get cancer and why?” Learn what a cancer registry is and how they help answer these important questions.

Identifying Groups of People Who Have a Higher Risk

Photo of a woman visiting her husband in a hospital

The information that cancer registries collect helps them identify groups of people who are more likely to get a certain kind of cancer. Other groups can use this information to try to figure out why. Learn more »

Example: Registry data found that people who receive organ transplants may have twice the risk of getting cancer as the general population.

Increasing Screening in Underserved Areas

Photo of a mature man and woman

When cancer registries learn that people who live in a certain area get cancer more often, or that their cancer is found at a later stage when it’s harder to treat, they can share that information with organizations that can try to figure out why and help fix the problem. Learn more »

Example: Registry data help persuade a large health care system to support a statewide plan to increase colon cancer screening.

Investigating Possible Causes of Cancer

Lung X-ray

Sometimes it seems like a lot of people who live in a certain area are getting cancer, and people wonder if something in the environment might be causing it. Cancer registry data can help. Learn more »

Example: The high lung cancer rates in Appalachian Kentucky aren’t only due to smoking. Cancer-causing elements in rocks are partly to blame.