Registry Plus™ Web Plus Technical Information and Installation

System Requirements

Web Plus is a Web application that runs on Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) and stores the data in a Microsoft SQL Server database. The application must be accessible from the Internet with support for encrypted communication between clients and the Web server.

In a typical setup, a server computer hosts the application, and another runs SQL Server. The Web server is placed in the demilitarized zone between the external and internal firewalls, while the SQL Server sits behind the internal firewall as part of the internal trusted network. A router connects the demilitarized zone to the Internet.

A secure sockets layer (SSL) digital certificate is installed on the Web server for site authentication, and for SSL encryption of data transferred between the clients and the Web server. The digital certificate can be created internally if a certificate server is available, or purchased from a vendor. Your organization will need to register an Internet domain name if it has not done so already.

The following specifications are applicable only to Web server and database server computers, which are assumed to be installed within an existing, larger information technology infrastructure with connectivity, security, and operational features established by local policy.

Specifications for the Web Server Computer

Intel® Pentium® IV processor or better, 500 MB RAM, and at least 500 MB free space on the hard drive with Windows 2000 Server or later server operating system, IIS version 5 or later, and .NET framework version 1.1. SSL digital certificate needs to be installed on this server.

Specifications for Database Server Computer

Intel Pentium IV processor or better, 500 MB RAM, and at least 500 MB free space on the hard drive with Windows 2000 Server or later server operating system and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Standard edition). Fault-tolerant disks are recommended for the database. The RAM and disk space requirements may increase if this server also hosts databases for other applications.

Web Plus system architecture. A server hosts the application in the demilitarized zone between the external and internal firewalls and another server runs SQL Server behind the internal firewall. A router connects the demilitarized zone to the Internet.

Installing and Upgrading Web Plus

Before you install or upgrade Web Plus, please read the following information.

  • The security in Web Plus is provided by the application’s security features, the network infrastructure, and the security policies of the hosting agency. To establish an SSL channel between client browsers and the Web server, an SSL certificate must be installed on the Web server.
  • General security measures must be taken to secure the network and computers.


Web Plus is unavailable for download. CDC NPCR-funded central registries interested in obtaining the program should contact their CDC program consultant for more information.
