The EDITS40 tools (GenEDITS Plus v4, EditWriter v4, and EDITS40.dll) are deprecated and planned for retirement effective with the release of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) v18 metafile in 2018. These products have been redesigned and were made available in January 2017 so that all EDITS users may transition their software and procedures to the new tools. EDITS50 tools are available for download.

Hardware and Software Requirements

EditWriter 4 and GenEDITS Plus 4 are based on Microsoft® Windows® versions XP and subsequent. The minimum hardware requirements are the same as those of the operating system used. If your computer runs Windows satisfactorily, it should do well with these programs.

Run-time metafiles produced by EditWriter can be copied for use on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and other platforms.


Each GenEDITS Plus installer comes with the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) metafile that was current at the time the installer was created. This metafile is superceded by later NAACCR metafile releases. To download the latest NAACCR metafile, visit the NAACCR Web site. To download the latest National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) metafile, visit the NCDB Web site.

Installation Instructions for GenEDITS Plus 4
(first release, version 1, build date October 2, 2014)

GenEDITS Plus 4 is the latest version of the GenEDITS software.

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • Tabbed pages have been reorganized.
  • Reports can be run on older Edits results databases.
  • Microsoft Word format reports are supported.
  • Report default file names and extensions are based on input data file and report format type.
  • Estimated Time Remaining has been added to Edits progress feedback.
  • Windows can be resized.
  • Report generation dialog creates and launches finished reports.

GenEDITS Plus 4 was developed in .NET and requires version 3.5 of the .NET framework. If you do not already have the .NET framework installed, contact your local IT staff for support.

Download GenEDITS Plus 4, setup_geplus4_1.0.0.exe (executable file, 4.1 MB, October 2, 2014) to your Windows desktop or another location. Double-click the program's icon to begin the setup program. If someone else is responsible for maintenance of your computer, you may not be able to install software. In this case, consult the maintainer of your computer for assistance. Instructions for using GenEDITS Plus are in the online help within the program. Click the Help button for a description of the functions and controls.

Configuration files: Configuration files created by older versions of GenEDITS Plus are not compatible with GenEDITS Plus 4. To upgrade to this version, the user must recreate the configuration in GenEDITS Plus 4.

Download the default set of configuration files for GenEDITS plus 4.

Installation Instructions for EditWriter 4

Refer to EW_ReleaseNotes.html after installing for complete details about the current version.

Download installer for EditWriter 4, setup_ew_2013Jan09.exe (executable file, 5.8 MB, January 9, 2013) to your Windows desktop or another location. Double-click the program's icon to begin the setup program. Instructions for using EditWriter 4 are in the help file installed with the program. Press F1 from within EditWriter 4 to open the help file.

Installer setup_ew_2013Jan09.exe includes:

  • EditWriter version, 1/4/2013
  • EditDebugger version, 1/9/2012
  • EDITS Engine version, 1/4/2013

Installation Instructions for the Edit Engine Dynamic Link Library

January 9, 2013: Edit Engine users should re-install using version to correct an issue in which the program would stop running edits prematurely if the Suppress Warnings option was turned on. A new API function, EEx_CheckEditSetAgainstLayout, has been added to EditDebugger and can be added to your reporting software easily. Two error messages were changed slightly to make them more helpful. Refer to EE_ReleaseNotes.html after installing for complete details.

These instructions apply if you have a program that makes calls to the Edit Engine and you want to upgrade to the latest version. Download the compressed file EDITS Edit Engine Dynamic Link Library, EngineDLL_4018.zip (ZIP file, 253 KB, January 9, 2013), unzip it, and copy the included DLL file to the folder where your program expects to find it.

Installation Instructions for the Edit Engine Source Code and API

This section applies to developers who wish to incorporate NPCR-EDITS into programs that do not already use the Edit Engine. Download the compressed ZIP file containing the Edit Engine source code files, EngineSource_4018.zip (ZIP file, 253 KB, January 9, 2013) and the Application Program Interface documentation, setup_editsapi_2014Feb19.exe (executable file, 1.5 MB, February 19, 2014).

We plan to remove the following 18 functions because we believe no one is using them. Please note that these functions have not been removed from the Engine—

  • EEx_CheckFlag
  • EEx_ClearAllFlags
  • EEx_CountFlags
  • EEx_FreeEditSet
  • EEx_GetVar
  • EEx_GetVarIndex
  • EEx_GetVarSize
  • EEx_InitAltRecordLayout
  • EEx_RecordLayoutOptions
  • EEx_RecWriteClear
  • EEx_RecWritten
  • EEx_RetrieveRecord
  • EEx_SetFlag
  • EEx_SetRecord
  • EEx_SetVar
  • EEx_SetVarIndex
  • EEx_SumFlags
  • EEx_UpdateRecordEx

Refer to the Release Notes page of the API documentation after installing for complete details about what has changed in the documentation.

For technical support via e-mail, contact cancerinfo@cdc.gov.
