Registry Plus™ Abstract Plus Features and Future Plans


Abstract Plus version 3.6, compliant with NAACCR version 16, incorporates new support for coding TNM staging and deriving stage groups according to the manual of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC.) The generic version of Abstract Plus available from this website does not contain AJCC content subject to licensing. The derivation functionality is included, and picklists for TNM data items will provide choice lists of site-specific codes but not associated descriptions. The end user must have access to an AJCC manual to see that content. A version of Abstract Plus that includes the licensed content is made available only to NPCR registries. Contact for more information.

  • Microsoft® Access® 2000 and forward compatible.
  • Entirely reprogrammed using .NET Framework 4.0 technology.
  • New, more user-friendly abstracting interface.
  • Direct grid entry of coded values for streamlined abstracting.
  • Easier viewing of text fields, online help, and edit errors.
  • Can drag panel splitter to resize view of fields or text.
  • Can scroll view of fields up and down separate from text fields to easily view any field with any text field.
  • New display type feature (a display type is basically the user interface where the Facility Abstractor enters data): Display types are highly customizable, and are configured by the Central Registry Administrator, and include information regarding fields collected, required fields (i.e., can’t be blank), edit sets, individual edit options, and Collaborative Staging preferences:
    • Any standard data items and state-specific fields can be included in a display type, and can be assigned customized labels, ordered into sections, and have various field properties that can be set such as default values.
    • Allows generation of multiple display types to accommodate abstracting by various types of cancer reporting facilities.
  • Selected field NAACCR data item name, EDITS error count and status, date, and UserID are displayed in bottom panel.
  • Configuration remains active until another is selected.
  • Directory selection for database, backup, and restore.
  • Expanded report saving options: In order to facilitate the utilization of the information included in the Abstract Plus reports, Abstract Plus offers an extensive number of file formats in which the reports can be saved—reports can be saved in different file formats in order to further analyze or format the data included differently or can be saved as an image file to be placed in documents and presentations.
  • Expanded report viewing and printing options: Abstract Plus Report Viewer window facilitates report viewing and allows the user to print and save the report being viewed, as well as modify the current view of the report.
  • Auto-update features, including automatic software updates over the Internet or software updates applied locally.
  • Improved accessibility: every menu item is supported by an alternative keystroke option.
  • Updated site-specific Collaborative Staging (CS) and surgery code lookups.
  • Enhanced security features:
    • All records are saved in Microsoft Access or SQL server databases, and all tables are password-protected and encrypted using Microsoft functions.
    • All users must have a user ID and password to access the abstracting features of the application. Access to administrative functions requires a special restricted password.
    • A security challenge question feature allows users to securely reset forgotten passwords without administrator intervention.

Historical Capabilities and Features

  • The data set can be customized to meet local needs including locally-defined variables.
  • The output of Abstract Plus is an electronic abstract in the format of the NAACCR data exchange layout.
  • The NAACCR edits are integrated tightly into Abstract Plus, allowing standard editing and error correction online.
  • Abstract Plus includes Registry Plus Online Help, a collection of standard coding manuals that are cross-referenced, indexed, and context-linked to minimize the need for reference to printed manuals during abstracting.
  • Abstract Plus can be distributed free of charge to cancer reporting facilities in a state.
  • Although the product is not designed to include all functionality needed in an approved hospital cancer registry, it is suitable for reporting from non-registry hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other sources for cancer incident reports.
  • Abstract Plus can also be configured for special-purpose data collection.

Future Plans

The NPCR Registry Plus development team is continually enhancing applications as required to meet the changing needs of the NPCR and the greater cancer registry community. The Abstract Plus Development Priority List is a list of development tasks prioritized by the NPCR Registry Plus development team. Each task is the direct result of meetings with the Registry Plus User Group (RPUG) as well as requests from individual cancer registries and leaders in the cancer registry field. For more information on Registry Plus or RPUG, please contact
