
Registry Plus™ eMaRC Plus

Electronic Mapping, Reporting, and Coding (eMaRC) Plus was initially developed to receive and process Health Level Seven (HL7) files from anatomic pathology laboratories. The eMaRC Plus Electronic Pathology (ePath) module is developed collaboratively by participants in the NPCR- Advancing E-cancer Reporting and Registry Operations’ ePath Pilot Project and programmed by the Registry Plus Development Team. In 2010, NPCR-AERRO began to expand the functionality of eMaRC Plus to receive and process reports from physician offices in an HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) format. This functionality has been developed as a separate Physician Reporting module within eMaRC Plus.

eMaRC Plus—

  • Builds a pathology laboratory database and stores various HL7 data elements as discrete field values in tables in the database.
  • Creates NAACCR-formatted abstract records from pathology reports during import into the pathology laboratory database.
  • Searches a terms table to find potential reports of cancer, using the negation terms finder (NegEx) to enhance its text mining capabilities.
  • Shows the pathology text report and a generated abstract side by side, allowing the user to complete any missing information in the abstract.
  • Maps and autopopulates the abstract with data received in the pathology report.
  • Uses text mining functionality to identify the histology, primary site, behavior, laterality, and grade.
  • Allows users to override any automated decisions about reportability and coding.
  • Stores all data elements extracted from the physician CDA document into relational tables.
  • Merges multiple physician reports for the same patient and tumor from the same facility.

eMaRC Plus Training Video

How to Change Your Password

ePath Reporting Module

The ePath Reporting module imports HL7 2.3.1, HL7 2.5.1 (narrative or synoptic reports), and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) pipe-delimited files manually or directly from the Public Health Information Network Messaging System (PHINMS) queue, makes sure the files contain the required data items, parses HL7 messages, and maps HL7 data elements to NAACCR data elements. A new release of the eMaRC Plus ePath Reporting module is distributed each year, usually in late spring.

ePath Project Participants Using eMaRC Plus as of December 2016

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Physician Reporting Module

The Physician Reporting module imports HL7 CDA files manually or directly from a folder or the PHINMS queue, makes sure the files contain the required data items, parses HL7 documents, maps and, if needed, translates the HL7 data elements to NAACCR data elements. The first production release was distributed in June 2014 and several enhanced versions have been released since then.

To obtain a copy of the most recent version of eMaRC Plus, send a request.
