Registry Plus™ Online Help Technical Information and Installation

System Requirements

Registry Plus programs work with 32- and 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® operating systems on x86-compatible processors. The minimum hardware requirements are the same as those of the Microsoft Windows operating system used.

Additional system requirements include—

  • Microsoft® Windows operating environments: XP/Vista/7.
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM for Windows 7).
  • Latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (recommended).
  • 200 MB of free hard-disk space.

Installing or Upgrading Registry Plus Online Help

  • If you already have Registry Plus Online Help installed, remove the existing installation before installing the current version. Registry Plus Online Help is not designed to do in-place upgrades.
  • If someone else is responsible for maintenance of your computer, you may not be able to install software. In this case, consult the maintainer of your computer for assistance.

Removing the Existing Installation

  • From Windows 2000 and later versions, you can click the Windows icon on the taskbar, then choose All Programs > Registry Plus > Registry Plus Online Help > Uninstall Registry Plus Online Help. If you do not have administrator rights, you will be prompted to enter a username and password for a user with those rights.
  • From Windows versions earlier than Windows 2000, make sure you are logged in as the administrator. From the Windows Control Panel, choose Add/Remove Programs. Select Registry Plus Online Help. Click Change/Remove, then next, then Remove; respond next to any further prompts.
  • When the uninstall program completes, check to see if the Registry Plus Online Help icon is still on your desktop. If so, right click on it, choose Properties and note the directory of the target file (default C:\RPOH). Then delete the icon.
  • From Windows Explorer or My Computer, check for the target directory identified in the previous step. If it exists, delete it (which will also delete its contents).


  • Download Registry Plus Online Help, RP_Help_NAACCR_140.exe (executable file, 18.5 MB, January 14, 2015) to your computer.
  • Open the downloaded file. The installation program will direct you through the steps for installation:
    • Registry Plus Online Help must be installed on a local drive of your choosing.
    • If the IT policy of your organization requires that programs be installed in a read-only directory, on the “Destination Folder” screen, select “Change”, then enter the path C:\Program Files (x86)\RegPlus\RPOH, then select OK.
    • Otherwise, if you are a first-time user, we recommend you select the defaults.
    • Choose the option to install the software for anyone who uses the computer.
    • If you do not have administrator rights, you will be prompted to enter a username and password for a user with those rights.

Using the Application

  • When installed, double-click the Registry Plus Online Help icon on the desktop. Select a tab from the pane on the left side of the window:
    • Contents: Select this tab to browse the manuals included and to view the order of topics. Open the Table of Contents for a manual by double-clicking on its book icon.
    • Index: Select this tab to search for a topic that has been indexed. Type a search term and press Enter, or double-click a search term in the index.
    • Search: Select this tab to perform a full-text search for a term that has not been indexed. Type the search term; then press Enter or click the List Topics button.
    • Favorites: Select this tab to add topics to a favorites list or browse the list of favorite topics.