Registry Plus™ Abstract Plus Technical Information and Installation

System Requirements

Registry Plus programs work with 32- and 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® operating systems on x86-compatible processors. The minimum hardware requirements are the same as those of the Microsoft Windows operating system used.

Additional system requirements include—

  • Microsoft operating system, Windows 7 or later.
  • Memory (RAM)
    • 1 Gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit computer)
    • 2 GB RAM (64-bit computer)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or newer
  • Latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer (recommended).
  • The available hard disk space requirement for Abstract Plus depends on the number of abstracts that will be used. A minimum of 70 MB of free hard drive space is required.

Installing and Upgrading Abstract Plus

Before you install or upgrade Abstract Plus, please read the following information.

If someone else is responsible for maintenance of your computer, you may not be able to install software. In this case, consult the maintainer of your computer for assistance. If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 or higher, you must be logged on as the administrator.

Upgrading from Abstract Plus Version 3.5, NAACCR 15.0 to Abstract Plus Version 3.6, NAACCR 16.0

  1. Copy the C:\RegPlus\AbstractPlus\MBDS folder to a known, secure location on the computer other than in the C:\RegPlus\AbstractPlus folder.
  2. Export all abstracts out of your Abstract Plus version 3.5, NAACCR 15.0 software.
  3. Uninstall Abstract Plus version 3.5, NAACCR 15.0 software.
  4. Delete the C:\RegPlus\AbstractPlus folder.
  5. Download the latest version of the Abstract Plus installation files in, which contains two files necessary for installation: AbstractPlus_3.6_160_Generic.msi and setup.exe.
  6. The installation program will direct you through the steps for installing Abstract Plus.
    Note: By default, the application gets installed under the C:\RegPlus\AbstractPlus folder and the databases are created under C:\RegPlus\AbstractPlus\MDBS.
  7. Create a user account and import the abstracts that you exported from your Abstract Plus version 3.5, NAACCR 15.0 software (abstracts will be converted to NAACCR version 16.0 upon import).

Note: The above upgrade instructions are intended for users of the generic application only. If you are using a customized version of Abstract Plus you must contact the central cancer registry to which you report for specific upgrade instructions and support. The Registry Plus Online Help is not current in this version and will be updated in the next release.

Installing Abstract Plus for the First Time

  1. Download the latest version of the Abstract Plus installation files in, which contains two files necessary for installation: AbstractPlus_3.6_160_Generic.msi and setup.exe.
  2. The installation program will direct you through the steps for installing Abstract Plus. We recommend you select the defaults.

Note: The above installation instructions are intended for users of the generic application only. If you are using a customized version of Abstract Plus you must contact the central cancer registry to which you report to obtain their customized version and support.

Upgrading from a Version of Abstract Plus Earlier Than 3.5

Please contact for specific guidance.

Suggested Citation

Abstract Plus Version {insert version number, e.g., 3.6} software [downloaded from Internet] for abstracting and coding cancer registry cases; part of the Registry Plus suite of publicly available software programs. Atlanta (GA): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Available from: Accessed {insert download month/day/year}.
