Registry Plus™ Hardware Requirements and Technical Support

Hardware Requirements

Registry Plus programs work with 32- and 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® operating systems on x86-compatible processors. For complete hardware requirements, please see Registry Plus Central Registry Tools Systems and IT Personnel Requirements.[PDF-189KB]

Technical Support

In the United States

State cancer registries are the primary intended users of Registry Plus. CDC helps states set up the software and perform basic customization. Periodic software updates and problem solving are also provided to the extent of available resources. Our support is provided exclusively by telephone and e-mail. CDC is not staffed to provide on-site services, nor can we support hospitals, clinics, laboratories, or other private users.

Some components of Registry Plus—Abstract Plus, for example—are intended for redistribution after customization. A state central registry or other institution redistributing Registry Plus software should provide all support to end users and develop expertise in using the software among its own staff. Other users of Registry Plus software should contract, hire, or develop capability independently to understand and maintain the software applications. Contact your state central cancer registry.

Non-NPCR organizations should refer to the document Policy and Letter of Agreement for Use of CDC-Developed Software by Users External to the National Program of Cancer Registries.[PDF-13KB]

Outside the United States

The Registry Plus Development group is funded primarily to support NPCR-funded central cancer registries, and cannot offer implementation support for the Registry Plus products to foreign countries. However, you are free to download the programs and implement them using other resources.

For more information, please refer to the document Policy and Letter of Agreement for Use of CDC-Developed Software by Users External to the National Program of Cancer Registries.[PDF-13KB]

Please note that data items and codes in Abstract Plus are in English, and are based on North American Assocation of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) Standards for Cancer Registries, Volume II, Data Standards and Data Dictionary.
