NPCR-AERRO Workgroups

Electronic Pathology (ePath) Reporting Workgroup: Activities in this area are focused on electronic anatomical pathology reporting from laboratories to state central cancer registries.

Meaningful Use Collaboration Workgroup: This group addresses issues identified with cancer reporting as part of Meaningful Use Stage 2 and includes both central cancer registries and certified physician Electronic Health Record (EHR) vendors.

The following workgroups have been retired, but developed many useful products for use by the cancer community—

Hospital Operations Workgroup: This group created and enhanced automation of hospital health records and cancer registration processes as they relate to electronic reporting.

Central Cancer Registry Workgroup: This group developed guidelines and recommendations for central registries to use electronic reporting and automation, and an implementation strategy for electronic reporting.

Clinic/Physician Office Reporting Workgroup: This group improved the completeness, timeliness, and quality of cancer registry reporting by implementing consistent electronic reporting from clinicians and medical specialty clinics through their electronic medical record (EMR) systems.

Refer to the corresponding workgroup pages for links to related findings, technical documentation, and products.
