Hardware and Software Requirements

EditWriter 5 and GenEDITS Plus 5 are based on Microsoft® Windows® versions XP and subsequent. The minimum hardware requirements are the same as those of the operating system used. If your computer runs Windows satisfactorily, it should do well with these programs.

The Edit Engine is provided for Microsoft Windows as a dynamic link library (EDITS50.dll) and for Linux as a shared object library (libedits50.so).

EditWriter 5, GenEDITS Plus 5, and the Edit Engine are published for Microsoft Windows in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The Edit Engine for Linux is published in 64-bit only.


Metafiles are portable SQLite databases. A single metafile is created using EditWriter and distributed for use by editing software such as GenEDITS Plus 5. This differs from EDITS40, which required two versions of metafiles: EditWriter 4 created and modified an editable metafile (.emf), and generated a run-time metafile (.rmf) for use by GenEDITS Plus 4.

Effective with North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) version 16C, an EDITS50-compatible version of the latest NAACCR metafile can be obtained from the NAACCR Web site. To download the latest National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) metafile, visit the NCDB Web site.

Installation Instructions for EditWriter 5 and the Edit Engine

Refer to the EditWriter 5 release notes after installing for complete details about the current version. If you are using these tools for the first time, read the “Getting Started” chapter in the help file, EditWriter.chm.

Download the installer for EditWriter 5:

Each of these installers includes:

  • EditWriter 5 release notes.
  • EditWriter 5 and context-sensitive user help file (EditWriter.chm).
  • The Edit Engine (EDITS50.dll) and programmer documentation (EDITS_API.chm).
  • CStage0205.dll (for running Collaborative Stage edits).
  • A tool for viewing and querying SQLite metafiles provided as an aid to programmers (MetafileBrowser and Metafile_Browser.chm).
  • A tool EditWriter uses to convert EDITS40 metafiles to EDITS50 metafiles (EMFtoSMF.dll).
  • Configuration files for generating reports as Microsoft Word and XML/XHTML documents.

Installation Instructions for GenEDITS Plus 5 (first release, build date April 19, 2017)

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • Integration with EditEngine v5.0 (EDITS50.dll), leading to improved performance
  • Multiple Document Interface (MDI) support for managing multiple configurations simultaneously
  • Quick access to user configuration properties and report setup options
  • Expanded features for configurations – comments, display names, and imported/exported configurations
  • Expanded functionality for interacting with edits – viewing edit properties and testing edits
  • Separation of edits functionality into application and library-level features

GenEDITS Plus 5 was developed in .NET and requires version 4.5.2 of the .NET framework. If you do not already have the .NET framework installed, contact your local IT staff for support.

Download GenEDITS Plus 5, setup_geplus5_32bit_2017Apr19.exe (executable file, 3 MB, April 19, 2017) to your Windows desktop or another location. Double-click the program’s icon to begin the setup program. If someone else is responsible for maintenance of your computer, you may not be able to install software. In this case, consult the maintainer of your computer for assistance. Instructions for using GenEDITS Plus are in the Help document installed with the program. Press F1 to open the Help file for a description of the functions and controls.

Configuration Files

Configuration files created by older versions of GenEDITS Plus are not compatible with GenEDITS Plus 5. To upgrade to this version, the user must recreate the configuration in GenEDITS Plus 5.

Installation Instructions for the Edit Engine for Linux

Download the archive EDITS50_for_Linux_2017Feb20.zip (ZIP file, 14MB, February 20, 2017). The archive includes the Edit Engine (libedits50.so) and libcstage0205.so for running Collaborative Stage edits.

As an aid to Linux programmers, source code and a binary are provided for a console application:

  • RunEdits50 (64-bit binary).
  • RunEDITS50_Source_2016May24.zip (C++ source code for RunEdits50 console application).
  • A sample metafile that can be used with the binary; may be replaced with any other .smf (see source code).

Programmers for Linux environments are advised to download the EditWriter 5 installer to obtain the complete EDITS50 API documentation (EDITS50_API.chm); see above.

Technical Support

For technical support via e-mail, contact cancerinfo@cdc.gov.