CDC Digital Media Toolkit: 2016-17 Flu Season

Get a Flu Vaccine: Its the best way to #FightFlu

With flu season just around the corner, CDC relies heavily on its network of partner organizations to promote its messages and activate communities to get vaccinated. To assist in your efforts to help spread the word about the serious complications the flu can cause and the importance of vaccination, this guide provides details for events/activities, sample social media and newsletter content, website badges, and online resources.

Learn more about how to fight the flu this season!

Fight Flu Social Media Campaign #FightFlu Social Media Campaign

Join our social media campaign! Check out #FightFlu messages, photos, and videos of people getting their flu vaccine from across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube on our social media stream.

New CDC Ready Wrigley Prepares for Flu Season Children's Activity Book

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Flu Season In Ready Wrigley Prepares for Flu Season, Wrigley and her family prepare and help protect themselves from the flu by getting a flu shot, taking everyday preventive actions, including avoiding people who are sick, covering coughs and sneezes and washing their hands often. Critical information about flu vaccination is weaved throughout the activity book, using age-appropriate language and activities to teach kids about how to avoid getting sick with the flu.

Download Ready Wrigley Prepares for Flu Season,[1.60 MB, 20 pages]

Flu Campaign Communication Material

As you plan for flu season, here is a list of resources from CDC for partners.

Newsletter Outreach Messages

Newsletter Outreach Messages

Outreach messages for your organization’s newsletter, website or partner networks to help all our partners speak with one voice about important updates and flu prevention messages for the 2016-17 flu season.

Newsletter Outreach Messages[341 KB, 3 Pages]
Newsletter Outreach Messages[63 KB, 3 Pages]

Social Media Outreach Messages

Sample Social Media Messages

Sample Twitter and Facebook flu prevention messages to share on your organization’s social media channels.

Social Media Messages[257 KB, 5 Pages]
Social Media Messages[64 KB, 5 Pages]


Treating Flu Free Resources

CDC offers print material, digital and web tools, PSAs, widgets, buttons, and apps on our website.  Visit our Free Resources site for more information.