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Influenza Updates:

CDC Recommends:

Flu Report

Everyone 6 months & older should receive a yearly flu vaccine.

Prevent Flu

Everyone 6 months & older should receive a yearly flu vaccine.

Flu can cause mild to severe illness. Learn the symptoms of flu.

Symptoms & Diagnosis

Flu can cause mild to severe illness. Learn the symptoms of flu.

Prescription medications called antiviral drugs can be used to treat flu.


Prescription medications called antiviral drugs can be used to treat flu.

During week 40 (October 1-7, 2017), influenza activity was low in the United States.

Flu Activity & Surveillance

During week 40 (October 1-7, 2017), influenza activity was low in the United States.

Flu Vaccine Finder

Flu Finder

Find the flu shot near you.