Susan Sabatino, MD, MPH

Photo of Dr. Susan Sabatino

Susan Sabatino, MD, MPH is a medical officer in the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control’s Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch. Dr. Sabatino’s research interests include examining quality of breast cancer care from screening through treatment and survivorship. She has led research projects investigating receipt of recommended screening and care, with a particular interest in how access to care influences care received. Dr. Sabatino also serves as a coordinating scientist for The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide), leading systematic reviews of the effectiveness of interventions to promote cancer screening. She also collaborates on multi-institutional studies examining patterns of care for breast and prostate cancers, and survivorship issues among women with breast cancer, as well as on research teams examining cancer screening uptake, cancer care and outcomes, cancer survivor care, and cancer treatment costs.

Dr. Sabatino received her undergraduate degree from Yale University, her medical degree from the Brown University School of Medicine, and a master of public health degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. She completed residency training in internal medicine and fellowship training in general internal medicine at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

Selected articles Dr. Sabatino has first-authored include—
