Donald Haverkamp, MPH

Photo of Mr. Donald Haverkamp

Donald Haverkamp, MPH, is an epidemiologist in the Epidemiology and Applied Research Branch of the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. He joined the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a Public Health Prevention Service fellow in 2004. Mr. Haverkamp is a field assignee in New Mexico, where he collaborates with the Indian Health Service Division of Epidemiology and Disease Prevention and various tribal organizations, implementing strategies and projects designed to increase colorectal cancer screening among American Indian and Alaska Native people. Mr. Haverkamp also has in interest in global health, and has done temporary-duty assignments for CDC in Papua New Guinea (Stop Transmission of Polio team), Namibia (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief [PEPFAR]-related), The Gambia (Ebola response), and Angola (global rapid response team – Yellow fever response).

In some previous public health roles, Mr. Haverkamp supervised a team of communicable disease investigators at the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency’s Tuberculosis Control Unit, and worked as a pediatric tuberculosis investigator at the University of California, San Diego. He also served as a United States Peace Corps volunteer (community health) in the Dominican Republic.

Mr. Haverkamp earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science/Community Health Education from San Diego State University and a Master of Public Health degree with a concentration in epidemiology from the Graduate School of Public Health at San Diego State University.

Recent articles Mr. Haverkamp has coauthored include—