Business Sector and CDC

The everyday world provides a series of obstacles to continued good health: pollution and congestion in the air we breathe; contamination in our water supplies; and unsafe conditions in our daily workplaces and homes. CDC works side by side with national, state, and local organizations to help protect communities from dangerous environmental exposures.

Throughout its history, CDC has placed a premium on developing and nurturing partnerships with various public and private entities. These partnerships improve and expand the scope and depth of public health services for the American people.

CDC's numerous partners in conducting effective prevention, control, research, and communication activities include the following:

  • Public Health Information Network;
  • State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health National Partners;
  • federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and first-responders such as firefighters and rescue workers;
  • practicing health professionals, including physicians, dentists, nurses, and veterinarians;
  • schools and universities;
  • communities of faith;
  • community, professional, and philanthropic organizations;
  • nonprofit and voluntary organizations;
  • business, labor, and industry;
  • the CDC Foundation and other foundations;
  • international health organizations; and
  • sports and entertainment organizations.

CDC alone cannot protect the health of the American people. However, by engaging with others—from state and local health departments and private corporations, to media outlets and the general public—we can achieve our vision of a better world, with safer, healthier people. ​