আইএসও ৩১৬৬-১ আলফা-৩
আইএসও ৩১৬৬-১ আলফা-৩ কোডসমূহ হল তিন-অহ্মর বিশিষ্ট্য দেশের কোড যা আইএসও ৩১৬৬-১ মধ্যমে নির্ধারিত করা হয়। দেশসমূহ, নির্ভরশীল অঞ্চল এবং ভৌগোলিক স্বার্থের বিশেষ অঞ্চলসমূহ উপস্থাপিত করা জন্য আন্তর্জাতিক মান সংস্থা (আইএসও) দ্বারা প্রকাশিত মান নির্ধারণ আইএসও ৩১৬৬ এর অংশ।
বর্তমান কোডসমূহ
সরকারিভাবে নিয়োগ কোড উপাদান
ব্যবহারকারী-নিয়োগ কোড উপাদান
- XOM is used to represent the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
- XXA is used to represent a stateless person, as defined in Article 1 of the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
- XXB is used to represent a refugee, as defined in Article 1 of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees as amended by the 1967 Protocol
- XXC is used to represent a refugee, other than as defined above
- XXX is used to represent a person of unspecified nationality
ব্যতিক্রমী সংরক্ষণ
- ASC Ascension Island — Reserved on request of UPU, also used by ITU
- CPT Clipperton Island — Reserved on request of ITU
- DGA Diego Garcia — Reserved on request of ITU
- FXX France, Metropolitan — Reserved on request of France; Officially assigned before deleted from ISO 3166-1
- SUN USSR — From June 2008; Transitionally reserved from September 1992; Officially assigned before deleted from ISO 3166-1
- TAA Tristan da Cunha — Reserved on request of UPU
The following alpha-3 codes were previously exceptionally reserved, but are now officially assigned:
- GGY Guernsey — Reserved on request of UPU
- IMN Isle of Man — Reserved on request of UPU
- JEY Jersey — Reserved on request of UPU
পরিবর্তনকালীন সংরক্ষণ
- ANT Netherlands Antilles — From December 2010
- BUR Burma — From December 1989
- BYS Byelorussian SSR — From June 1992
- CSK Czechoslovakia — From June 1993
- NTZ Neutral Zone — From July 1993
- ROM Romania — From February 2002; Code changed to ROU[1]
- SCG Serbia and Montenegro — From September 2006
- TMP East Timor — From May 2002
- YUG Yugoslavia — From July 2003
- ZAR Zaire — From July 1997
অনিশ্চিত সংরক্ষণ
- ADN Aden
- BDS Barbados
- BRU Brunei
- CDN Canada
- EAK Kenya
- EAT Tanganyika [Part of Tanzania, United Republic of]
- EAU Uganda
- EAZ Zanzibar [Part of Tanzania, United Republic of]
- GBA Alderney
- GBG Guernsey
- GBJ Jersey
- GBM Isle of Man
- GBZ Gibraltar
- GCA Guatemala
- HKJ Jordan
- MAL Malaysia
- RCA Central African Republic
- RCB Congo, People's Republic of
- RCH Chile
- RMM Mali
- RNR Zambia
- ROK Korea, Republic of
- RSM San Marino
- RSR Southern Rhodesia [now Zimbabwe]
- SLO Slovenia
- SME Surinam
- TMN Turkmenistan
- WAG Gambia
- WAL Sierra Leone
- WAN Nigeria
- ZRE Zaire
The following alpha-3 code was previously indeterminately reserved, but has been reassigned to another country as its official code:
- ROU Uruguay — Code reassigned to Romania
কোডসমূহ যা বর্তমানে ব্যবহার না করতে সম্মত হয়েছে
In addition, the ISO 3166/MA will not use the following alpha-3 codes at the present stage, as they are used in ISO/IEC 7501-1 for special machine-readable passports:
- GBD একটি ব্রিটিশ পাসপোর্ট ধারক যিনি শনাক্ত British Overseas Territories Citizen
- GBN একটি ব্রিটিশ পাসপোর্ট ধারক যিনি শনাক্ত British National (Overseas)
- GBO একটি ব্রিটিশ পাসপোর্ট ধারক যিনি শনাক্ত British Overseas Citizen
- GBP একটি ব্রিটিশ পাসপোর্ট ধারক যিনি শনাক্ত British Protected Person
- GBS একটি ব্রিটিশ পাসপোর্ট ধারক যিনি শনাক্ত British Subject
- UNA is used as a substitute for nationality where the holder is an Official of a Specialized Agency of the UN Organization
- UNK identifies Kosovo residents to whom travel documents were issued by the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo (UNMIK)
- UNO is used to designate the UN Organization as the issuer and used as a substitute for nationality where the holder is an Official of the UN Organization
বাতিল কোড
- AFI French Afar and Issas
- ATB British Antarctic Territory
- ATN Dronning Maud Land
- CTE Canton and Enderbury Islands
- DDR German Democratic Republic
- DHY Dahomey
- GEL Gilbert and Ellice Islands
- HVO Upper Volta
- JTN Johnston Island
- MID Midway Islands
- NHB New Hebrides
- PCI Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the
- PCZ Panama Canal Zone
- PHI Philippines — Code changed to PHL
- PUS U.S. Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
- RHO Southern Rhodesia
- SKM Sikkim
- VDR Viet-Nam, Democratic Republic of
- WAK Wake Island
- YMD Yemen, Democratic
আরও দেখুন
- List of IOC country codes, used by the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
- List of FIFA country codes, used by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
- Comparison of IOC, FIFA, and ISO 3166 country codes
- ISO International Organization for Standardization, ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০০২)। "RE: Change of alpha-3 Code Element" (PDF)। ISO 3166-1 NEWSLETTER No. V-3। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ৬ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১১।
- ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency, International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- Reserved code elements under ISO 3166-1 "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 1: Country codes", available on request from ISO 3166/MA
- Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use, United Nations Statistics Division
- Countries or areas, codes and abbreviations — list of alpha-3 and numeric codes (a few territories officially assigned codes in ISO 3166-1 are not included in this list)
- The World Factbook (public domain), Central Intelligence Agency
- Appendix D – Cross-Reference List of Country Data Codes — comparison of FIPS 10, ISO 3166, and STANAG 1059 country codes
- Administrative Divisions of Countries ("Statoids"), Statoids.com
- Country codes — comparison of ISO 3166-1 country codes with other country codes
- ISO 3166-1 Change History
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