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World TB Day 2017

Unite to End TB

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CDC U.S. TB Elimination Champions

We Are TBThere are many individuals and organizations working in effective and engaging ways to end tuberculosis (TB) in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) U.S. TB Elimination Champions Project provides an opportunity to recognize accomplishments and learn best practices from people who are making a significant contribution to preventing and controlling TB.

Eliminating TB in the United States requires expanding testing and treatment of latent TB infection. In 2016, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released guidelines recommending testing for latent TB infection in populations at increased risk. In recognition of this increased emphasis on latent TB infection testing and treatment, CDC is recognizing champions who are expanding latent TB infection testing and treatment in their communities. We are proud to share these inspiring success stories. The stories and lessons learned can help others end TB in their communities.

Read more about the 2017 CDC U.S. TB Elimination Champions who are expanding latent TB infection testing and treatment in their communities.

Nomination Process

  • Individuals and groups should submit stories of how they or others have been successful in expanding latent TB infection testing and treatment. Nominations should be 500 words or less and should provide a description of how the nominee’s activity demonstrates innovation, excellence, and/or leadership in this area.
  • Nominations should include the following:
    • Description of how the nominee successfully engaged in activities that expanded testing and/or treatment for latent TB infection;
    • How the nominee made an impact in TB control in his/her community;
    • What others can learn from this success story; and
    • Supporting documents, if available (e.g., sample educational materials developed by nominee, photos).

Note: If the activity was a group effort, please indicate the project lead or spokesperson on the nomination form. Include the names of additional persons involved with the project in the project description.

The nomination process closed on February 20, 2017.
