About the Charles C. Shepard Science Award

Established in 1986, the CDC/ATSDR Charles C. Shepard Science Award was named in honor of Dr. Charles C. Shepard, M.D., the internationally recognized microbiologist who was chief of the Leprosy and Rickettsia Branch at CDC for more than 30 years, until his death on February 18, 1985. The Charles C. Shepard Science Award can be awarded both for scientific publications and for lifetime scientific achievement. For scientific publications, the award is presented to the best manuscript on original research published by a CDC or ATSDR scientist in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal. For lifetime scientific achievement, the award is given to an individual with a body of scientific work contributing to public health. In some years, the award may not be given in all categories.

To learn more about the history of Dr. Shepard’s career and the history of the award, please see the Award History page.


In the fall of each year, the Director, CDC calls for nominations for the Charles C. Shepard Science Award. Candidates are nominated by colleagues from across CDC.

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Scientific Publication Categories

This award is presented to the best manuscript on original research published by a CDC or ATSDR scientist in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal.

  • Original research published in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal by a CDC or ATSDR scientist during the previous calendar year.
  • Must have a CDC or ATSDR staff member as first author or senior author, under the primary supervision of CDC or ATSDR staff when the work was performed. To be considered the senior author, the author must have played a major role in the design and concept of the study or had major scientific oversight of the study. If the first author is not a CDC or ATSDR author, the CDC or ATSDR unit must indicate the CDC or ATSDR senior author and the justification for that designation.

There are four publication award categories: Assessment, Prevention and Control, Laboratory Science, and Data Methods and Study Design.

  • Assessment:

    Purpose: Assessment publications characterize health, disease, conditions, or behaviors, and their determinants in communities or populations.

  • Prevention and Control:

    Purpose: Publications in this category address the prevention and/or control of one or more diseases, conditions, or other challenges to public health or the prevention and/or control of risk factors for these diseases, conditions, or challenges.

  • Laboratory Science:

    Purpose: Laboratory science papers describe the development and/or use of laboratory methods to solve problems of public health importance.

  • Data Methods and Study Design:

    Purpose: Publications in this category report on a new or refined non-laboratory method and/or a new, innovative, or otherwise exceptional study design that addresses one or more public health challenges. In other words, this award recognizes the development and demonstration of an outstanding or exceptional approach to solving a public health problem.

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Nomination Procedures: Lifetime Scientific Achievement

This award is to recognize an individual for a full lifetime of scientific work contributing to public health. Examples include careers of scientific research and careers of scientific research followed by administration/management. It is expected that over the years awardees will represent different scientific disciplines. It is recognized that in some years this award may not be given.

  • The majority of the work must have occurred at CDC/ATSDR and have been published with CDC/ATSDR affiliation.
  • The awardee must be a senior investigator respected by peers within and outside CDC/ATSDR
  • The individual should be living at the time of the nomination.
  • The nomination should name the individual being nominated and describe the body of work/career for which the nomination is being made and its importance.
  • One nomination per CDC/ATSDR organization.
  • The nomination should be in the form of a short narrative, not to exceed five pages, naming the individual being nominated and describing the body of work/career for which the nomination is being made and its importance. The narrative should specifically address each of the three criteria separately and clearly. To support this nomination, a CV for the nominee should be attached.

Review Criteria

All nominees are reviewed by a committee including 2 co-chairs, an executive secretary, and 17 reviewing members.

Scientific Publication Categories

Publications within the Scientific Publication Categories are evaluated based on scientific merit (including aspects such as originality, difficulty, efficiency, methods, and clarity) and impact on public health (importance and significance).

Lifetime Scientific Achievement

Nominees for Lifetime Scientific Achievement are evaluated in terms of the body of their work, its scientific merit, the impact of the work on public health and its contribution to the mission of CDC/ATSDR. Nominees are also evaluated based on the recognition of their work by scientific peers and on leadership both with their peers and within the scientific discipline or field of research.

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  • Page last reviewed: June 29, 2017
  • Page last updated: March 27, 2017
  • Content source:
    • Office of the Associate Director for Science