Director's Corner

The Associate Director for Science (ADS) for CDC is the primary advisor to the director on scientific and medical matters and provides agency-wide scientific leadership. The ADS directs the Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS) which provides CDC/ATSDR with scientific vision and leadership in promoting quality and integrity of CDC science, and helping to encourage the application of science to solving important public health problems.

Acting Associate Director for Science

CAPT William R. Mac Kenzie, MD

CAPT William R. Mac Kenzie, MD


The Associate Director for Science (ADS) for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides the agency with scientific vision and leadership in science innovation, research, ethics, and science administration. The ADS ensures continuity and commitment to long-term scientific investments, upholds scientific ideals, establishes an environment thriving with scientific excellence, innovation and integrity, learning and discovery, and upholds the timely dissemination and translation into practice of scientific information, innovations, and technology. The ADS serves as principal advisor with overall leadership and general direction for all CDC/ATSDR research, especially large scale collaborative research that is problem generated, cross-institutional, and multi-disciplinary to address cross-cutting public health issues. The ADS is responsible for the oversight of scientific integrity, quality assurance, and the rapid dissemination of scientific innovations, technology, and information with the ultimate goal of enhancing CDC’s mission and improving public health domestically and internationally. The ADS coordinates with the Centers/Institute/Offices (CIOs) the scientific research, scientific training and workforce development, technical assistance and science-based regulatory activities throughout CDC and ATSDR. View biography

Deputy Associate Director for Science

Ron A. Otten, PhD

Ron A. Otten, PhD

The Deputy Associate Director for Science (ADS) supports, advises, and represents CDC ADS, CDC Director and senior leaders on issues of science, science policy and science administration. The Deputy ADS provides high-quality and timely advice on high profile and regulatory (e.g., FACA, IRB) scientific issues, prepares and/or reviews high-profile Congressional and HHS reports, testimonies and ADS and Director’s responses. The Deputy ADS is required to provide ongoing and ad hoc consultancies to the programs and (as needed) lead and mediate, internally and externally, in difficult, contentious situations, and also will represent CDC on the HHS WG developing an integrated approach towards establishing Universal IRBs for addressing urgent human research protection issues in an emergency. The Deputy ADS serves as the Institutional Official for Human Research Subjects ensure compliance with Basic HHS Policy for Protection of Human Research Subjects and 45 CFR Part 46 to protect the rights and welfare of human beings who participate in research, and also as the Institutional Official for Animal Research to oversee all aspects of animal care and use and assure CDC-wide compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and standards regarding the humane care and use of laboratory animals at CDC (PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Animal Welfare Act), including policy development and work of Institutional Committee for Animal Care. View biography

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Director of the Office of Science Quality

Dr. Joanne Cono

Joanne Cono, MD, ScD

The Director of the Office of Science Quality (OSQ) is responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating the programs of the Office and as a senior member of the Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS) management team, participates in developing OADS program policy and objectives, short and long-term goals, program strategies, and operating policies. The Director of OSQ serves as senior advisor to the Director and Associate Director for Science, CDC, on scientific matters; serves as the senior level scientific clearance official for the agency, reviews and clears high profile scientific documents on behalf of the agency, documents are reviewed for accuracy, scientific merit, and adherence to agency policy; serves as the agency’s Research Integrity Official and is responsible for investigating allegations of research misconduct as required by regulation; serves as senior scientific advisory and clearance official for MMWR; promotes scientific quality throughout CDC through CIO level Associate Directors for Science; provides scientific expertise and consultations to CIOs on science activities and strategies; independently reviews reports, scientific papers, memoranda, congressional inquiries, and other similar materials for the purpose of providing written recommendations concerning these scientific issues; oversees the CDC scientific clearance process and resolves clearance issues and disputes among CIO level ADSs; oversees the CDC peer review process for extramural and intramural research; relates directly to executive leadership in other PHS agencies and major national and international organizations on issues of science policy and practice; represents CDC on scientific committees, national advisory groups, task forces, and serves as liaison with other federal agencies and academic institutions. Director OSQ provides leadership and overall direction for the Office. View biography

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Director of the Office of Scientific Integrity

Maryam Daneshvar, PhD

Maryam Daneshvar, PhD

Maryam Daneshvar, PhD, is the Director of the Office of Scientific Integrity (OSI). She is responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating the programs of OSI and is a senior member of the Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS) management team. Her office within OADS provides leadership for the following areas: protecting the rights and welfare of human beings who participate in research; complying with laws and principles in the care and use of laboratory animals; ensuring compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act; protecting the privacy of individuals in records maintenance; ensuring leadership in public health ethics; and ensuring that training relevant to scientific integrity is available to the CDC community. View biography

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Director of the Office of Technology and Innovation

Juliana K. Cyril, MPH, PhD

Juliana K. Cyril, PhD, Director of the Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI)

The Director of the Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) is responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating the programs of the Office and as a senior member of the Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS) management team, participates in developing OADS program policy and objectives, short and long-term goals, program strategies, and operating policies. The Director OTI is responsible for providing leadership and expertise to promote and optimize the timely transfer of knowledge, innovation, and technology into products, devices and procedures that improve public health. The Director of OTI leads the agency’s efforts to evaluate, protect, market, license, monitor, and manage the wide range of CDC discoveries, inventions, and other intellectual property as mandated by the Federal Technology Transfer Act and related legislation; partner with the NIH Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) to oversee patent prosecution of CDC technology and the negotiation and monitoring of CDC licensing agreements; ensure timely and accurate delivery of services to support technology development and facilitate collaborative relationships between CDC investigators and the broader scientific community; promote and cultivate innovative science, policies, practices and technology approaches that support the CDC and facilitate the agency’s response to public health needs; serve as the agency point of contact for HHS Innovation Council, HHS Innovates, HHS Ignites, and HHS Challenges; coordinate and oversee the CDC Small Business Innovation Research Program, the CDC Innovation Fund, and the CDC Collaborative Seed Award Program; and ensure compliance with Federal statutes, regulations and the policies of the CDC. The Director provides leadership and overall direction for the Office and is responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating the programs of the Office and advises the ADS and Deputy ADS, CDC Director, Directors of the various CIOs, and other governmental and non-governmental agencies and departments about policy, research, and programmatic directions of the agency as they relate to technology and innovation activities. View biography

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Management Officer

John P. Murphy, MBA

John P. Murphy, MBA

The Management Officer of the Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS) provides administrative and management oversight of activities in support of OADS’s mission and core functions. This position provides leadership in implementation of new OADS activities and special projects. View biography

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  • Page last reviewed: June 29, 2017
  • Page last updated: January 3, 2017
  • Content source:
    • Office of the Associate Director for Science