Maryam Daneshvar, PhD

Director, Office of Scientific Integrity

Maryam Daneshvar, PhD, is the Director of the Office of Scientific Integrity (OSI). She is responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating the programs of OSI and is a senior member of the Office of the Associate Director for Science (OADS) management team. Her office within OADS provides leadership for the following areas: protecting the rights and welfare of human beings who participate in research; complying with laws and principles in the care and use of laboratory animals; ensuring compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act; protecting the privacy of individuals in records maintenance; ensuring leadership in public health ethics; and ensuring that training relevant to scientific integrity is available to the CDC community.

Dr. Daneshvar previously served as both deputy director of OSI and Associate Director for Science of the Division of Laboratory Programs, Standards, and Services, in the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services. Other key leadership positions she has held include CDC Reports Clearance Officer and Chief of the Information Collection Review Office in OADS.

Dr. Daneshvar joined CDC in 1982 as a research chemist in the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID). Over her 24-year tenure at NCID, Dr. Daneshvar continued to specialize in advanced techniques for the identification of unusual and emerging bacterial pathogens. She authored or coauthored more than 100 publications including peer-reviewed scientific papers, CDC publications, book, book chapters, and scientific meeting abstracts. She has received multiple CDC awards and the HHS Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service.

Dr. Daneshvar holds a doctorate degree in analytical chemistry and a Master of Science degree in clinical chemistry from Georgia State University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from University of Georgia.

  • Page last reviewed: June 29, 2017
  • Page last updated: April 18, 2016
  • Content source:
    • Office of the Associate Director for Science