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Inside Knowledge Campaign Research

CDC has conducted extensive research as part of its Inside Knowledge campaign development, including—

  • Convening a meeting of gynecologic cancer experts to exchange information on public health messaging and strategies to raise awareness among women about gynecologic cancer. This information provided CDC with a general framework for the Inside Knowledge campaign.
  • Conducting analysis of existing educational materials and messages that identified gaps in information and assessed the need for new specialized materials.
  • Commissioning questions and analyzing data from Porter Novelli’s HealthStyles and DocStyles surveys to better understand women’s and health care providers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to gynecologic cancer.
  • Conducting formative research, message and concept testing, and using focus groups in cities across the U.S. to: learn more about women’s knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about gynecologic cancers; learn about health care providers’ knowledge, attitudes, and clinical practices related to gynecologic cancers; and identify creative approaches and strategies to ensure campaign materials deliver intended messages in the most effective ways.

Related Publications and Presentations

Campaign research and related activities have generated these scientific manuscripts and presentations—



Search CDC’s scientific articles on gynecologic cancers.