Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) Archive

The funding announcement opportunities listed on this page have expired. The pages are kept for historical and educational purposes. Statistics and contact information were up to date at the time of expiration, but are no longer updated.


Enhancing national STD/HIV prevention efforts by promoting holistic, comprehensive, and evidence-informed health and wellness approaches through strategic partnerships

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is pleased to announce the release of FOA PS17-1708, Enhancing national STD/HIV prevention efforts by promoting holistic, comprehensive, and evidence-informed health and wellness approaches through strategic partnerships. This 5-year, cooperative agreement supports an integrated approach to STD prevention through the management of a coalition and development and dissemination of materials, resources and tools to health care providers and the general public. Applications are due by May 22, 2017.

More information about the cooperative agreement can be found at and searching for “CDC-RFA-PS17-1708.” CDC will host an informational call about the FOA on April 17, 2017 at 2 PM ET. Details about the call are also available at this website.

J2: Enhanced Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (eGISP)

CDC has designated antibiotic resistance gonorrhea an urgent threat in the United States, and The National Strategy for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria calls for strengthening surveillance to reduce this threat. Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP) conducts surveillance on male urethral N. gonorrhoeae isolates; however, some experts have speculated that the pharynx and/or rectum may be anatomic niches that select for or foster resistance. The Enhanced Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (eGISP) aims to expand local capacity to conduct N. gonorrhoeae surveillance on non-urethral isolates (i.e., pharyngeal, rectal, and cervical isolates), which will strengthen local surveillance and may improve the ability to detect changes in susceptibility patterns sooner.

This funding is open to all jurisdictions who have identified at least one STD clinic in their jurisdiction with the capacity to collect cultures for N. gonorrhoeae at multiple anatomic sites, including STD clinics currently participating in GISP. Applications are due May 16, 2017. For more information, including eligibility and the application process, please log in to, and search for FOA Number: CK14-140104PPHF17.

J3: Combined HIV and STD Prevention and Care for Vulnerable Men who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women via Network Methods

Syphilis continues to impact gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) of color at a disproportionate rate. Additionally, syphilis and HIV are intertwined epidemics among MSM and transgender women – who are part of the same constellation of sexual health needs. And finally, STD incidence among HIV-uninfected MSM is a marker for vulnerability to HIV infection. For these three reasons, the Combined HIV and STD Prevention and Care for Vulnerable Men who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women via Network Methods project was designed.

Activities funded as a part of this project will strengthen state and local STD program public health infrastructure and build capacity in high-risk local jurisdictions to support the improved HIV and syphilis case detection; detection of people highly vulnerable to infection and transmission; and subsequent treatment and management of care.

Applications are due May 16, 2017. State and local STD Directors must work collaboratively and play an active role in planning and applying for this funding. For more information about applicant eligibility as well as requirements and the application process, please log in to, and search for FOA Number: CK14-140104PPHF17