Reportable STDs in Young People 15-24 Years of Age, by State

This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. Newer data is available on the NCHHSTP Atlas Plus webpage.


Regardless of race or gender, data show that sexually active adolescents and young adults are at increased risk for STDs when compared to older adults. Acknowledging disparities in STD rates is one of the first steps in empowering affected communities to focus on the problem and helping the public health community direct prevention and treatment resources appropriately.

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AtlasPlus was created to provide an interactive platform for accessing data collected by CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP). This interactive tool provides CDC an effective way to disseminate data, while allowing users to observe trends and patterns by creating detailed reports, maps, and other graphics. Recent updates to this resource allow users to explore the latest HIV data at the national-, state-, or county-level. Disease rates can be analyzed by demographic variables, transmission categories, year and trends over time. In this new version, users can also create 2 side-by-side maps or charts. New charting capabilities include: line graphs by year; pie charts for sex; bar charts by state and country; bar charts for age, race/ethnicity, and transmission category.
