Self-directed and STD-focused SAS Instruction (SASSI)

Self-directed and STD-focused SAS Instruction (SASSI)

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Module 1 - Welcome - Introduction to SASSI / Information needed to take the course.

Module 2 - Surveillance and Epidemiology - Basic Surveillance and Epidemiology Terms for SASSI.

Module 3 - Introduction to SAS and SAS Features - SAS Guide.

Module 4 - Creating and Accessing SAS Data Sets and Importing Data - Creating SAS Library, Import Data Excel or Access using Import Wizard and Programming in SAS. Accessing data sets in SAS.

Module 5 - Merging Data - Merging and Concatenating Data sets, Renaming Variables SAS Skills-Data step.

Module 6 - Reviewing Data Quality - Finding data inconsistencies, incorrect or missing data SAS Skills- Proc Print, Var statement, Proc Sort and Proq Freq.

Module 7 - Formatting Data with an introduction to data manipulation - SAS Skills- Proc Contents, formatting using SAS formats and Proc Format, conditional statements, creating/recoding variables and labeling.

Module 8 - Basic Analysis - Frequencies, Means, Crosstabs and Tables SAS Skills-Proc Freq, Proc Means and Proc Tabulate.

Module 9 - Tables and Graphs - Creating presentation ready tables and graphs. SAS Skills- Proc Tabulate, Proc Gchart and Proc Gplot.

Module 10 - Output and Exporting - SAS Skills- Proc Export, ODS Statements (Output Delivery System).
