Having an STD can increase your chances of getting HIV
two men

Fact Sheet

If you have HIV and an STD, you are more likely to spread HIV to your sex partner(s).

couple talking to doctor


Getting treated for an STD other than HIV does not prevent the spread of HIV.

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Visit the HIV Portal to learn how to reduce your risk for STDs and HIV.


Connecting to Care, Building Hope[PDF – 155 KB] (May 24, 2016)

2015 STD Treatment Guidelines – HIV Infection: Detection, Counseling, and Referral (June 4, 2015)
See HIV/AIDS & STDs Treatment page for special considerations in treating STDs in persons with HIV including new annual testing recommendations for hepatitis C in persons with HIV infection.

Webinar Recordings

Integration of molecular epidemiology with behavioral surveillance to identify HIV and HCV epidemic drivers in at risk populations: Lessons learned from Pakistan and Ukraine   by Paul Sandstrom, PhD, STD Prevention Science Series Webinar
September 7, 2017 – Recording available

STDs, the Genital Microbiome and HIV Transmission: What is Happening Down There? – by Rupert Kaul, MD, PhD – March 10, 2016 – Recording available – STD Prevention Science Series Webinar

Comprehensive Sexual Health Care for Sexually and Gender Minority Patients in the HAART and PrEP Era – by Kenneth Mayer, MD, an STD Prevention Science Series webinar, December 3, 2015, Recording available