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National Oil and Gas Extraction Agenda

The NORA Oil and Gas Extraction Council finalized this version of the National Oil and Gas Extraction Agenda after considering public comments on the previous draft.

This sector is categorized by NAICS codes 211 for oil and gas operators, which own the rights to drill for oil and gas; 213111 for drilling contractors, which drill oil and gas wells; and 213112 for service companies, which service oil and gas wells. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that 422,000 workers were employed in this industry in 2009. During 2003-2009, 716 oil and gas extraction workers were fatally injured on the job, resulting in an occupational fatality rate several times higher than the rate for all U.S. workers. The NORA Oil and Gas Extraction Council developed strategic goals to address five critical areas.

You may submit correspondence by email to

National Oil and Gas Extraction Agenda - October 2011  [PDF - 304 KB]

Contact the NORA Coordinator if you have any questions:

Sidney C. Soderholm, PhD
NORA Coordinator