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The Editions


The original Basic edition of CDCynergy presents an overall methodology for health communication planning and implementation. It contains case examples illustrating the planning model, a wealth of reference resources and materials, and a guide to planning and evaluating a health communication project.

CDC programs and partners have tailored the CDCynergy Basic Edition to create new editions highlighting how the CDCynergy planning model can be applied to specific health problems and within specific disciplines within public health. These editions also provide custom case examples of possible health communication interventions in a specific problem area.

The list of tailored editions continues to grow as public health professionals explore the benefits of targeting case examples, resources, and media files to a specific public health problem area. Professionals interested in a specific tailored edition should contact the CDC program or partner that produced the tailored edition. Below is a list of the current tailored editions and contacts.

Here is a listing of all the CDCynergy's produced to date:

Basic Edition 3.0

Office of Communication Division of Health CommunicationCase Examples: Folic Acid, Physical Activity, H.Pylori, Smoking, and others

Office:Office of Communication Division of Health Communication

Cardiovascular Edition

Cardiovascular EditionCase Examples: Social Marketing (signs & symptoms of heart attack), School Physical Activity Intervention, Faith Based Nutrition Intervention

Office:Cardiovascular Health Branch

Micronutrients Edition (International)

Micronutrients EditionCase Examples: Bolivia (Multi-vitamin), Ghana (Vitamin A), Indonesia (iron), Pakistan (Iodine), Thailand (Vitamin A), United States (Folic Acid)

Office:Division of Nutrition & Physical Activity Maternal and Child Nutrition Branch

Diabetes Edition

Diabetes EditionCase Examples: Diabetes and Flu, "Strong in Body & Spirit" (Native American), National Diabetes Educational Program-Diabetes Control

Office: Division of Diabetes Translation

Tobacco Prevention and Control Edition

Tobacco Prevention and Control EditionCase Examples: Youth Intervention, Cessation, Environmental Tobacco Smoke-national, Environmental Tobacco Smoke (state and local)

Office: Office on Smoking & Health, Health Communications Branch

American Indian/Alaskan Native Diabetes Edition

American Indian/Alaskan Native Diabetes EditionCase Examples: Strong in Body & Spirit – national, Obesity

Office: Division of Diabetes Translation Program Development Branch

Emergency Risk Communication (ERC) Edition

Emergency Risk Communication ERC EditionCase Examples: N/A

Office: Office of Communication

Social Marketing Edition

Social Marketing EditionCase Examples: WIC – Breastfeeding, Chitterling Preparation, Teens Stopping AIDS, Violence Against Women

Office: Office of Communication

STD Prevention Edition

STD Prevention EditionCase Examples: Chlamydia, Herpes, Syphilis

Office: Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention

  • Page last reviewed: August 9, 2010
  • Page last updated: August 9, 2010
  • Content source: