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Referencia Histórica

Este documento es proporcionado por la Agencia para Sustancias Tóxicas y el Registro de Enfermedades (ATSDR) únicamente como una referencia histórica. Este documento incluye información que puede ser no actual o precisa.

  1. Atwater E. 1989. I hear you. In E. Donovan and V. Covello. Risk Communication Student Manual. Chemical Manufacturers' Association, Washington, D.C.
  2. Barry McLoughlin Associates, 1990. Communicate with Power: Encountering the Media, New York.
  3. Chess C, Hance BJ, Sandman PM. 1988. Improving Dialogue with Communities: A Short Guide to Government Risk Communication. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
  4. Covello V. 1983. The perception of technological risks. Technology Forecasting and Social Change: An International Journal 23:285 297 (June). Covello y otros, 1988.
  5. Covello V. 1989. Issues and problems in using risk comparisons for communicating right to know information on chemical risks. Environmental Science and Technology 23 (12):1444 1449.
  6. Covello V. 1992. Risk communication, trust, and credibility. Health and Environmental Digest 6(1):1 4 (April).
  7. Covello V. 1993. Risk communication, trust, and credibility. Journal of Occupational Medicine 35:18 19 (January).
  8. Covello V, Allen F. 1988. Seven Cardinal Rules of Risk Communication. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy Analysis, Washington, D.C.
  9. Covello V, McCallum D, Pavlova M. 1989. Effective Risk Communication: The Role and Responsibility of Government and Nongovernment Organizations. New York: Plenum Press.
  10. Donovan E, Covello V. 1989. Risk Communication Student Manual Chemical Manufacturers' Association, Washington, D.C.
  11. Fischhoff B, Lichtenstein S, Slovic P, Keeney D. 1981. Acceptable Risk. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press.
  12. Morrisey G, Sechrest T. 1987. Effective Business and Technical Presentation (Third Edition), New York: Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Inc.


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