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Specific Populations Podcasts


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El tabaco apesta (Tobacco Stinks)

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En este podcast, los niños de Kidtastics hablan sobre los peligros de consumir tabaco. Created: 4/23/2013 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Date Released: 12/11/2013.


El tabaco apesta (Tobacco Stinks)

[Locutor] Este podcast es una presentación de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades.

[Tomás] ¡Hola chicos! ¡Bienvenidos al programa Kidtastics de los CDC! Soy Tomás, de Kidtastics. Hoy vamos a hablar sobre el tabaco y por qué es malo para nuestra salud.

[Mateo] ¿Tabaco? ¿Como el cigarrillo?

[Cristi] Mateo, el tabaco es lo que se usa para hacer cigarrillos, pero también se usa para hacer cigarros y tabaco sin humo, también conocido como el tabaco de mascar o escupir.

[Carmen] El tabaco contiene nicotina, que es adictiva. La nicotina hace que los vasos sanguíneos se achiquen y esto añade presión en el corazón.

[Christy] Fumar puede destruir tus pulmones y reducir el oxígeno que los músculos necesitan cuando haces deportes. Los fumadores son más lentos para correr y no pueden correr distancias tan largas.

[Tomás] Sí, y como si el tabaco no fuera lo suficientemente desagradable, las compañías le agregan otras cosas cuando hacen los cigarrillos. ¡Saben que estas cosas son malas para la salud de las personas, pero lo hacen igual!

[Carmen] El humo del cigarrillo contiene 69 sustancias químicas que causan cáncer. En los cigarrillos hay sustancias químicas super peligrosas, ¡esto sería noticia de primera plana si estuvieran en otro producto!

[Mateo] Ahora entiendo por qué todos dicen que fumar es tan malo. ¡Qué bueno que ahora sé por qué!

[Tomás] Gracias por escuchar este programa de Kidtastics de los CDC. Nos hablamos pronto. Y, ¡no se olviden de mantenerse seguros y saludables!

[Locutor] Para obtener más información de salud, visitañol o llama al 1-800-CDC-INFO, es decir 1-800-232-4636.

Adult Smoking Among People with Mental Illness PSA

Listen to this podcast? (1:33)

This 60 second public service announcement is based on the February 2013 CDC Vital Signs report, which shows that cigarette smoking is a serious problem among adults with mental illness. More needs to be done to help adults with mental illness quit smoking and make mental health facilities tobacco-free. Created: 2/5/2013 by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Date Released: 2/5/2013.


Adult Smoking Among People with Mental Illness PSA

Despite serious risks, millions of women and girls binge drink. Over 21,000 die each year as a consequence of drinking too much. For women, binge drinking is defined as having four or more drinks in a short period of time.

About one in eight women and one in five high school girls binge drink. Women consume an average of six drinks per binge. It puts women and girls at greater risk for breast cancer, sexual assault, heart disease, and unintended pregnancy. Binge drinking while pregnant can lead to miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Most binge drinkers are not alcohol-dependent.

The US Dietary Guidelines recommend those who drink do so in moderation - up to one drink per day for women or two for men. Pregnant women and underage youth shouldn’t drink at all.

For more information, visit

Caution Tape (in Spanish)

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Learn why smoke from the apartment next door matters in this Spanish-language podcast.


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Caution Tape

SFX: Puerta.

MUJER 1: Hola vecina.

MUJER 2: Hola Ana, ¿Qué tal? ¿Oye, ya conociste a la pareja que se mudó junto a ustedes?

MUJER 1: No, pero desde que se mudaron mi hijo no ha dejado de toser.

MUJER 2: ¿Y eso?

MUJER 1: Fuman mucho, y aunque cerremos las puertas y ventanas el humo del cigarrillo se mete en nuestro apartamento. ¡Es horrible!

MUJER 2: Oye pues, habla con ellos. Diles que tu hijo sufre de asma.

MUJER 1: Es que me da pena. Aun no los conozco.

LOCUTOR: El humo del cigarrillo puede estar más cerca de lo que crees. Especialmente si vives en un apartamento, y alguien fuma en el apartamento de al lado. El humo puede entrar por el sistema de ventilación, o las puertas y ventanas.

MUJER 2: Entonces vamos a hablar con el manager del edificio. Tú estás en todo tu derecho de pedir que no se permita fumar dentro o en los alrededores del edificio.

LOCUTOR: El humo es tóxico. Y te perjudica a ti y a tu familia. Afecta en especial a los niños. Y puede causar enfermedades graves como bronquitis, pulmon'a y asma. Protege a tu familia. Dile basta al humo de segunda mano.

LOCUTOR 2: Un mensaje de servicio público del CDC.

Smoking Among Women

Listen to this podcast? (4:30)

Dr. Ann Malarcher discusses the most recent data on smoking among women.


This podcast is presented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC—safer, healthier people.

Host: Welcome to a cup of health with CDC, a weekly feature of the MMWR, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. I'm your host, Dr. Robert Gains.

Although smoking rates in the US have remained steady among men and women, the World Health Organization reports that worldwide female smoking rates are on the rise. In some countries tobacco industry advertising increasingly targets girls and women. Dr. Ann Malarcher is a researcher with CDC's Office on Smoking and Health. She's joining us today to discuss the most recent data on smoking among women.

Welcome to the show, Ann.

Dr. Ann Malarcher: Thanks for having me, Bob.

Host: Ann, are smoking rates increasing or decreasing worldwide?

Dr. Ann Malarcher: Well unfortunately, worldwide smoking rates are increasing. Right now, smoking is estimated to total more than five million people each year. However, if current trends persist, tobacco will kill more than eight million people worldwide by twenty thirty, with about eighty percent of those deaths in low and middle income countries.

Host: Are women using tobacco products other than cigarettes?

Dr. Ann Malarcher: What we're finding is it depends on the region of the world. For example, in Bangladesh about thirty percent of women use smokeless tobacco products. However, in the United States less than one percent of women use smokeless tobacco products.

Host: Why is tobacco use among females increasing worldwide?

Dr. Ann Malarcher: One problem is the tobacco industry is advertising increasingly towards women and girls. According to the World Health Organization, women and girls represent the biggest potential growth market for tobacco products and they are being exposed aggressively to tobacco campaigns that they link to fashion, sporting events, and entertainment. The tobacco industry deceives many women into believing that smoking is a sign of liberation. They use pink packaging and create designer brands for young women to encourage them to take up smoking worldwide.

Host: Ann, what factors influence someone to start smoking or using other tobacco products?

Dr. Ann Malarcher: Tobacco use in individual countries really reflects the complex mix of social and cultural factors that influence young people to take up cigarette smoking and other tobacco use. For example, in the US one of the powerful contributors is exposure to tobacco industry marketing. For girls and young women, they can be particularly susceptible to messages about self-image and weight control. There are also influenced by their female friends who smoke and other role models. Also, studies have shown that smoking in the movies encourages kids to smoke.

Host: For those who already smoke, what are some strategies for quitting?

Dr. Ann Malarcher: If you use tobacco, the most important thing you can do for your health is to quit. There are a number of effective medications available both over the counter and by prescription. Combining counseling with these medications more than doubles your chances of successfully quitting. Help is available for free at 1(800)QuitNow.

Host: Ann, where can listeners get more information about smoking cessation?

Dr. Ann Malarcher: Online information is available for women at You can also simply visit for more information.

Host: Thanks, Ann. I have been talking today with CDC's Dr. Ann Malarcher about how in some countries tobacco industry advertising increasingly targets girls and women. Remember, smoking greatly increases your risk for severe health problems such as cancer and heart disease. If you or someone you know, already uses tobacco, ask your healthcare provider about effective strategies for quitting.

Until next time, be well. This is Dr. Robert Gaines, for a cup of health with CDC.

For the most accurate health information, visit, or call 1(800)CDC-INFO, 24/7.


