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New York City

Public Health Preparedness and Response Funding

FY 2017 Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (PHEP) question icon
Base Plus Population $14,219,560
Cities Readiness Initiative $3,826,060
Level 1 Chemical Laboratory $0
Level 2 Chemical Laboratory $0
Total PHEP $18,045,620

Fact Sheet for New York City

Metrics with flowcharts

CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHPR) publishes an annual report to increase accountability regarding the nation’s investment in preparedness activities. This report, known as the National Snapshot, features national-level performance data as well as individual fact sheets for the 50 states, 4 cities, and 8 U.S. territories and freely associated states supported by the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement.

Fact Sheet for New York City

Explanation of PHEP Program Data

National Snapshot

West Nile to Zika: How One Virus Helped New York City Prepare for Another

New York City has been able to apply many of its existing resources and lessons learned from the West Nile Virus response to the Zika response. A representative from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shares the strategies the city uses to fight Zika.

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Keeping Cool Under Pressure: NYC Legionnaire’s Disease Outbreak, Summer 2015

In the summer of 2015, there was an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease in New York City. A team of city, state, and CDC epidemiologists, laboratory scientists, and environmental health experts find out the source of the Legionella bacteria that causes this disease.

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