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Associate Director of Information Resources

Dan Tuten, MS, PMP, MCSE

	Photo of Dan TutenDan Tuten, MS, PMP, MCSE is the Associate Director for Information Resources within the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, one of leading centers within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Every career is built on something, and Dan’s is no different. It is supported by four cornerstones – leadership, project management, communication and education. During high school, Dan entered the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. His leadership abilities were quickly noticed. This skill was also exhibited as the ranking student responsible for the multi-year national championship drill team, The Blue Knights. Leadership continued through a military career and into corporate America followed by state and federal government positions. From combat to the corporation, Dan’s leadership has led to successes on the battlefield and the bottom-line. From foxhole to Fortune 500 to federal; his leadership has not only met organizational objectives, but has also prepared those in his sphere of influence for their own leadership challenges.

Relevant to project management, Dan has led projects with the Department of Defense, a variety of companies as well as state and federal governments. The projects included logistics, organizational restructuring, IT infrastructure, software development and system implementation. He is certified by the Project Management Institute and Federal Acquisition Certification standards.

Dan seeks to improve communication opportunities. He has facilitated consensus groups made up of military officers, senior business leaders, boards of directors and C-suite executives. He has spoken on topics of leadership and project management in venues throughout the southeast as well as abroad to international audiences in Australasia and Europe.

His fourth cornerstone is a ceaseless pursuit of education, marked by a motto espoused by many lifelong learners, “Study or Perish!” He holds degrees from Vincennes University, University of Phoenix and Capella University, as well as more than a dozen certifications in Information Technology, Project Management and Federal Contracting. Along with more traditional education, he seeks to learn from those around him; and, long ago learned that wisdom is not based on position or rank. Directors/Managers can teach many things, but a person can learn as much and sometimes more from peers and subordinates.
