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Infographic: Prepare for Everywhere - Family Preparedness

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Prepare for Everywhere: Family Preparedness

Planning what to do before a disaster strikes is the best protection for you and your family.

Family Preparedness

  • Healthy Families: Families that practice good health behaviors are more likely to remain healthy during a disaster and disaster recovery.
  • Vaccinations: Make sure everyone has the vaccinations they need.
  • First Aid & CPR: Take Training in first aid and CPR. Knowing how to spot symptoms and knowing how to perform emergency aid can save a life.
  • Hand Washing:
    • Wash your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds.
    • When water is not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
    • Wash hands before preparing or eating food and after going to the bathroom.

Have a Plan

  • Only 39 % of Americans have developed an emergency plan and discussed it with their family.
  • Know which disasters are common in your area and how to prepare your home and family.
  • Learn community warning signs and how to react to different alerts.
  • Know when you should shelter-in-place and where the safest place in your home is during different emergencies.
  • Find escape routes in your home and evacuation routes in your community. Practice using these routes with your family.
  • In case of an emergency, carry an emergency contact card so that responders know how to get in touch with your loved ones.
    • Emergency Contact Card:
      • Name
      • Date of Birth
      • Home Phone
      • Emergency Contact
      • Out-of-town Contact
      • Phone Number
      • Special needs, medical conditions, allergies, & other important imformation
    • Keep the emergency contact card in your wallet, purse, or children’s backpack.

Gather Emergency Supplies

  • 48 percent of Americans do not have emergency supplies for a disaster.
  • Your emergency kit should include:
    • extra batteries
    • flashlight
    • extra cellphone charger
    • first aid kit
    • personal documents
  • Emergency Supply of Food
    • Store enough food to feed everyone in your home for 2 weeks, and don’t forget a can opener!
    • Choose foods that you eat regularly, need no refrigeration, require no preparation, and require no cooking.
  • Emergency Supply of Water
    • Have at least a 3-day water supply for each person in your home.
    • 3 day supply = 1 gallon per person per day (including pets).
  • Your Family is Unique. Your Emergency Kit Should Be Too.
    Gather items in your emergency kit specific to your family’s needs like:
    • medication
    • asthma inhaler
    • eye glasses
    • important documents
    • baby formula and diapers
    • toys or games for children. 

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