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Infographic: Be Ready! Wildfires

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Be Ready! Wildfires

  • Windows/Vents: Close all windows, doors, vents, blinds before evacuating.
  • Smoke Detector: Install a dual-sensor smoke alarm on each level of your home. Test monthly and change the batteries at least once each year.
  • Flame/Smoke: Smoke from wildfires is a mixture of gases and fine particles. Smoke can hurt your eyes, irritate your respiratory system, and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases. Listen and watch for air quality reports and health warnings about smoke. You can suffer from smoke even if you are not in the direct path of the wildfire.
  • Radio: Stay tuned to local radio or television station for information and instructions from local officials. IF ADVISED TO EVACUATE DO SO IMMEDIATELY!
  • Escape Route: Have several planned escape routes away from your home—by car or foot.
  • Go-Kit: Have a disaster supply kit ready to take with you.
  • Additional Tips
    • Firewood: Stack firewood away from house.
    • Vegetation: Clean gutters, rake leaves, and remove dead limbs from around your home.
    • Water: If there is the threat of a wildfire, you can use your hose or sprinkler to wet your roof and shrubs around your home.