Pioneering Healthier Communities (PHC)

This program is no longer funded. Learn more about current DCH programs.

Through collaboration with YMCA of the USA since 2005, 128 PHC communities have been funded to convene high-level representatives from the local government, public health, and private sectors to focus on changing the environment in a way that reduces community barriers for healthy living. During the next 2 years, many more communities will be added.

PHC involvement spans multiple sectors, settings, and disciplines, including representation from government agencies, health care organizations, transportation agencies, food service systems, faith-based entities, parks and recreation departments, foundations, and health-related nonprofit organizations. To support its successful work in communities, CDC and YMCA of the USA bring in advisors from various public and private organizations to share their expertise at annual meetings and conferences. These expert advisors provide information on evidence-based tools and resources, as well as technical assistance on implementing successful community action plans.


Learn more about PHC communities and their activities.
