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Project Report and User Guide


This project could not have taken place without the support and cooperation of CDC officials and staff. Erin K. Sauber-Schatz, our main contact, kept us on track, answered every question patiently, and provided extremely good advice. Ann M. Dellinger ensured that the project got under way as planned and provided oversight as needed. Jahlani Akil helped us navigate the process of applying for Office of Management and Budget approval for our interviews. Angela Salazar, Karrianna Turner-Marshall, and Leanna Fox assisted us with a variety of administrative procedures. Jessica Burke, Melvin Crum, Kevin Webb, and and Nimeshkumar Patel helped us understand the technical requirements for programming the website to be compatible with CDC infrastructure and transferring it to CDC.

We also thank the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for its support of additional work that allowed us to expand the tool and produce specific analyses.

We thank Andrés Villaveces, formerly of RAND, who developed some of the cost models, and Adrian Montero, also formerly of RAND, who helped build the online web tool. Christina Y. Huang conducted background research on costs and effectiveness, and Chaoling Feng helped compile the lists of interventions by state. Andria Tyner, Joanna Mahoney, and Stephanie Lonsinger assisted with preparing the reference section and fact sheets.

In addition, we thank Robyn Robertson of the Traffic Injury Research Foundation, James Anderson, and Christopher Skeels for their thoughtful and constructive reviews of an earlier version of the report and tool. Their input improved the final product significantly.

This project, Costs and Cost Savings of Motor Vehicle Injury Prevention: Evidence-Based Policy and Behavioral Intervention, was funded by grant contract number is 200-2011-39728 from CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.