Distracted Driving

At 55 mph, sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for about 5 seconds, long enough to cover a football field.

Each day in the United States, approximately 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver.1

Distracted driving is driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving. Distracted driving can increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash.

What are the types of distraction?

There are three main types of distraction:

  • Visual: taking your eyes off the road;
  • Manual: taking your hands off the wheel; and
  • Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving.2

Distracted driving activities

Anything that takes your attention away from driving can be a distraction. Sending a text message, talking on a cell phone, using a navigation system, and eating while driving are a few examples of distracted driving. Any of these distractions can endanger the driver and others.

Texting while driving is especially dangerous because it combines all three types of distraction.3 Sending or reading a text message takes your eyes off the road for about 5 seconds, long enough to cover a football field while driving at 55 mph.4


  1. National Center for Statistics and Analysis. Distracted Driving: 2015, in Traffic Safety Research Notes. DOT HS 812 381. March 2017, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Washington, D.C.
  2. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Policy Statement and Compiled FAQs on Distracted Driving. [cited 2017 April 13]Available from: http://www.nhtsa.gov.edgesuite-staging.net/Driving+Safety/Distracted+Driving/Policy+Statement+and+Compiled+FAQs+on+Distracted+Driving.
  3. Vegega, M., Jones, B., and Monk, C. (2013, December). Understanding the effects of distracted driving and developing strategies to reduce resulting deaths and injuries: A report to congress. (Report No. DOT HS 812 053. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  4. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Facts and Statistics. [cited 2016 Feb 23] Available from: http://www.distraction.gov/stats-research-laws/facts-and-statistics.html.
  5. Olsen, E.O., R.A. Shults, and D.K. Eaton, Texting while driving and other risky motor vehicle behaviors among US high school students. Pediatrics, 2013. 131(6): p. e1708-15.
  6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance- United States, 2015. 2016, [Cited April 13, 2017] Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/features/yrbs/.
  7. Insurance Institutes for Highway Safety. Distracted Driving: Cellphones and texting. April 2017 [cited April 13, 2017]. Available from: http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/laws/cellphonelaws.
  8. Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging while Driving (Executive Order 13513). 2009: 3 CFR. p. 3. [Cited April 13, 2017] Available from: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2009/10/06/E9-24203/federal-leadership-on-reducing-text-messaging-while-driving
  9. Federal Railroad Administration. Restrictions on Railroad Operating Employees: Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices. 2010; [Cited April 13, 2017] Available from: https://www.fra.dot.gov/eLib/details/L03256.
  10. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Limiting the Use of Wireless Communication Devices. 2010 [cited April 13, 2017]; Available from: https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/regulations/rulemaking/2010-23861.
  11. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers: Restricting the Use of Cellular Phones. 2011 [cited April 13 2017] Available from: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2011/12/02/2011-30749/drivers-of-cmvs-restricting-the-use-of-cellular-phones.
  12. Chaudhary, N. K., Casanova-Powell, T. D., Cosgrove, L., Reagan, I., & Williams, A. (2012, August). Evaluation of NHTSA distracted driving demonstration projects in Connecticut and New York. (Report No. DOT HS 811 635). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  13. Chaudhary, N. K., Connolly, J., Tison, J., Solomon, M., & Elliott, K. (2015, January). Evaluation of the NHTSA distracted driving high-visibility enforcement demonstration projects in California and Delaware. (Report No. DOT HS 812 108). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
  14. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Distracted Driving. U Drive. U Text. U Pay. [Cited April 13, 2017] Available from: https://www.trafficsafetymarketing.gov/get-materials/distracted-driving/u-drive-u-text-u-pay