* An injury refers to physical damage to the body from an external cause resulting from a traumatic event or poisoning. Estimates are based on responses to a series of questions asked during a household interview of a sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. population and are for nonfatal, medically attended injuries occurring during the 5 weeks preceding the interview.
† 95% confidence interval.
§ Among places of injury, home includes both inside and outside the home; recreation area includes recreation or sports facility, recreation area, lake, river, or pool; street includes highway, sidewalk, or parking lot; commercial area includes industrial, construction, farm, trade, or service area; school includes school, child care center, or preschool; other includes hospital or residential institution, other public building, or other place not specified.
During 2004--2007, an average of 33.5 million injuries were reported each year. Among females, 54% of injuries occurred inside or outside of the home, compared with 42% of injuries among males. Injuries among males were more likely to occur in recreation areas (17%) and commercial areas (13%) than injuries among females.
SOURCE: Chen LH, Warner M, Fingerhut L, Makuc D. Injury episodes and circumstances: National Health Interview Survey, 1997--2007. Vital Health Stat 2009;10(241). Available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_10/sr10_241.pdf .