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History - Tales from Today's PHAs

Junior - from Dean Mason

One of the more colorful characters I ever met was Junior, a well-known entrepreneur and "player" in Miami, Florida. Junior was courteous, hairpin neat, jewelry laden, and an immaculate dresser, who drove beautiful new Cadillacs. I was successful in gaining Junior's trust, which translated into his bringing his 4 to 8 "models" into the 62nd Street Clinic on a regular basis for check-ups. Junior managed an infamous bar on 79 St., as well as the row houses behind the bar where ladies would take their dates for the evening (hour). Junior agreed that I could conduct serologic tests (I drew blood and performed RPR screenings for syphilis) in the kitchen of one of these row houses, once a month. This was done between 10 PM and 2 AM on a Saturday night. We were extremely successful in identifying early stage syphilis cases during the 1.5 years that this arrangement was in effect. The interesting thing about Junior was his versatility. He did not drink, smoke or indulge in drugs. It was essential that he close the bar on time and not stay out late on Saturday nights. The reason: Junior was also a church organist. 

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Page last updated January 03, 2008