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Watsonian Society - A CDC Employee Organization for Public Health Advisors


The Watsonian Society was formed on October 1, 1985, as an organization to foster and continue professional and social relationships among PHAs. The objectives of the society are to:

  1. contribute to the overall public health management excellence of CDC and ATSDR;
  2. recognize, preserve, and advance among PHAs the professional, personal, and social attributes that distinguished the career of Bill Watson (a CDC PHA who advanced to the position of Deputy Director, CDC); and
  3. encourage and maintain esprit de corps among CDC PHAs.

Original Recognition

Original Recognition of Watsonian Society as an official CDC Employee Organization [PDF]

Early Days

Early Days of the PHA Program

PHA Tales

PHA Tales

America Attacked

America Attacked - PHAs Respond

Future of PHAs

Future of PHA Program