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Watsonian Society - A CDC Employee Organization for Public Health Advisors



Purpose: To develop and maintain a mechanism to give recognition to one exceptional PHA each year.
Key Activities:  Through conference calls, created an awards proposal, a nomination form and an instruction sheet, and developed criteria for scoring nominations
Chair: Valerie Kokor
Members: Darlene Harper (Field); Valerie Kokor (HQ); (Howard) Tim Miner (HQ); Craig Studer (HQ); Franklin (Joel) Fletcher


Purpose: To evaluate, create, and implement effective methods for communicating with the membership; to recommend the types of communications, the contents, and the timing
Key Activities: The development and distribution of the newsletter.
Chair: Bill Boyd 
Members: Carlos Alonso, Renee Brown-Bryant, Doug Browne, Kimberly Cantrell, Andy Heetderks, Sharon Tart Martin, Jeff Walker

Community Service

Purpose: To coordinate community service projects that complement the mission of PHAs and CDC
Chair: Philip Baptiste
Members: Karen Gavin, Philip Baptiste, Bob Kohmescher, Duiona Baker, Christopher Kissler, Bob Williams, William Boyd, Hope King


Purpose: To develop and organize activities and special events bringing members, prospective members, friends, and families together.
Key Activities:  Coordinate annual meeting, social events, receptions, picnics, etc
Chair: Susan Shaw
Members: Paul Tribble, Sharon Tart Martin, Christopher Thomas

Family Support

Purpose: To support PHAs and their families during times of need, e.g., illness, disaster, death
Key Activities:  Send cards and other expressions of support during times of need
Chair: Michael Fraser
Members: Gail Grant


Purpose: To identify ways to recruit new members and retain and better serve the current membership
Key Activities:  
Chair: Fred Martich
Members: Jerry Naehr, John Miles

Professional Development

Purpose: To develop methods and establish mechanisms to advance the professional skills of PHAs that will make the series and individuals more essential and more efficient in the changing world of public health. (This will complement efforts of the agency.)
Key Activities:  Mentoring program
Members: Alison B. Johnson, Elizabeth Bell, Bob Delaney, Dawn Broussard, Bob Kingon, Karen Gavin