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 Watsonian Society
An Organization for Public Health Advisors

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Constitution & Bylaws


Whereas, the retirement of William C. Watson, Jr., from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has led his fellow Public Health Advisors to reflect on their association with him, and
Whereas, said reflection recognized the value and benefit of such association among Public Health Advisors, and
Whereas, said reflection also recognized the unique role of William C. Watson, Jr., in the growth and development of this new cadre of health workers called Public Health Advisors, and
Whereas, the personal, social, and professional attributes of William C. Watson, Jr., have served as standards for many Public Health Advisors;

Therefore, it is resolved to form an organization of Public Health
Advisors to continue the relationships among and between Public
Health Advisors, and

It is further resolved that this organization be called The Watsonian Society, An Organization for Public Health Advisors, in recognition of the contribution of William C. Watson, Jr., to the membership of this organization.


Article One: Name

This organization shall be known as The Watsonian Society, An Organization for Public Health Advisors.

Article Two: Objectives and Purpose

The purpose of this society shall be to unite Public Health Advisors of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and its predecessor organizations, for the following objectives:

  • Contribute to the overall public health management excellence of CDC and ATSDR.
  • Recognize, preserve, and advance among CDC and ATSDR Public Health Advisors the professional, personal, and social attributes that have distinguished the career of William C. Watson, Jr., and
  • Encourage and maintain professional esprit de corps and general camaraderie among CDC and ATSDR Public Health Advisors.

Article Three: Membership

The society shall consist of Active, Associate, Honorary, and Retired members, as defined in the bylaws. Only Active or Retired members shall be entitled to vote and hold office. For purposes of this constitution, an Active Member shall refer to a Public Health Advisor whose job is currently classified, or who has held a job that was classified, as that of the GS/GM 685 series by CDC. The term "Associate Member" shall refer to any non-Public Health Advisor person, whether employed by CDC/ATSDR or not, who desires to support the activities and goals of the Public Health Advisor job series at CDC/ATSDR.

Article Four: Officers

The officers of the society shall be a President, a President-elect, a Recorder, a Treasurer, a Retiree Representative, a Field Representative, and an Exemplar. All except the President, the President-elect, and the Exemplar will be elected biennially, as provided in the bylaws, and will hold office until the installation of their successors. 

Article Five: Executive Committee

The officers of the Society together shall constitute an Executive Committee, which shall be chaired by the President of the Society.

Article Six: Meetings

Meetings of the Executive Committee will be held by telephone or at a central site at least four (4) times each year. Meetings of the membership will be held as often as practical, as judged by the Executive Committee, in conjunction with other meetings attended by members of the Society or as special events. Chapter Director(s) as provided in Article Seven will be invited to participate in Executive Meetings.

Article Seven : Local Chapters

The Executive Committee may authorize the establishment of local chapters upon petition by said local area Society members in good standing and where said chapter's establishment would further the goals and mission of the Society. Said chapters will operate and exist at the pleasure of the Society and will represent the Society in local areas. Chapter officers will consist of a Director, an Associate Director, and a Recorder-Treasurer

Article Eight: Amendments

It will be the duty of the Recorder to present all proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws in writing to the voting membership at least 30 days prior to election. An opportunity to vote on amendments will be included on the ballot. For the vote to be valid, at least 33% of the membership needs to vote. Amendments will be adopted if they receive a concurring vote of two thirds of those voting, as certified by the Recorder. Amendments to the constitution and bylaws may also be considered and acted upon at times not coinciding with the election of officers at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Article Nine: Committees

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to establish or dissolve committees as needed. Committees may be standing, ad hoc, or temporary.


Chapter One


Article One: Eligibility

Every individual who satisfies one of the criteria for membership described in Sections One through Five of this article and who, after duly considering the objectives of the society and the obligations of the constitution and bylaws, subscribes to them, shall be eligible for membership.

Section One: Active Membership

Any Public Health Advisor currently employed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in a headquarters or field-assigned position, or who has ever been so employed, is eligible for Active Membership with full privileges, including voting rights and holding office.

Section Two: Associate Membership

Any non-Public Health Advisor person, whether employed by CDC/ATSDR or not, who desires to support the activities and goals of the CDC/ATSDR Public Health Advisor job series is eligible for Associate Membership. Associate members shall be eligible to serve on committees and be the chairperson of committees; however, Associate members shall not be eligible to vote in any Watsonian Society elections or hold any Constitutional office in the Society.

Section Three: Honorary Membership

A person who is not otherwise eligible for Active or Retired Membership shall be eligible for nomination as an Honorary Public Health Advisor (HPHA) and upon election by the membership becomes an Honorary member of the Watsonian Society. Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote in any Watsonian Society elections or hold any Constitutional office in the Society. Aside from having made a distinguished contribution to the practice of public health, a nominee for HPHA must either have:

1. Made one or more major contributions to the overall growth of the Public Health Advisor Series, and/or

2. A distinguished record of making a difference on the operational level in the ability of significant numbers of Public Health Advisors to make a positive impact on the health and well being of people.

Nominations for HPHA(s) may be made by any Active or Retired member. They shall be written in the format prescribed by the Executive Committee and shall be submitted to the President-elect of the Executive Committee for consideration. The President-elect, with advice from the Executive Committee, shall review the nominations and select up to six nominees to be put to a vote by the members.

1) Honorary Public Health Advisor Election Process

The balloting shall be conducted as follows: Members will receive a ballot by e-mail (or by U.S. Mail if they are known not to have access to e-mail). That ballot shall ask the member to select one or more candidates from among the nominees for Watsonian Society Honorary Public Health Advisor (HPHA) based on descriptions provided in the nomination, or to mark their ballots "none of the above" if they do not wish to vote for any nominee. There will be up to 6 nominees and up to 3 HPHAs can be elected in a given year. All ballots selecting one or more nominees or voting "none of the above" shall be counted as a valid ballot. A ballot returned with no markings (an abstention) shall not be counted as a valid ballot. The President-elect shall provide a member one opportunity to convert an invalid ballot into a valid ballot before determining it to be an invalid ballot. The President-elect shall certify a valid election has occurred if valid ballots are received from thirty three percent (33%) of the active members. Otherwise, the President-elect shall declare that balloting was insufficient to select a Watsonian Society Honorary Public Health Advisor for that year.

When a valid vote has occurred, the President-elect shall tabulate the votes. To be selected, a candidate must receive a “Yes” or “No” vote from greater than 50% of those voting and at least 85% of the votes must be “Yes.” The President-elect shall ask the Exemplar to assist with and/or to confirm certification of his/her validation of ballots and tabulation of balloting. Upon meeting that condition, the President-elect's certification shall be final and shall not be subject to review or appeal.

Section Four: Retired Membership

Any Public Health Advisor who would otherwise be eligible for Active Membership and who retires or is retired is eligible for Retired Membership.

Article Two: Membership Year

The membership year shall be from January 1 through December 31. Membership may be renewed for each year by paying appropriate dues. Every application for membership shall be accompanied by the appropriate fees and dues.

Article Three: Fees and Dues

Fees and annual dues are set forth as follows: annual dues of members shall be payable within 90 days of the beginning of the dues year, which begins January 1 of each year. Every member whose dues are in arrears for a period of six months after becoming due shall be removed from the membership list and no longer receive Watsonian Society communications. Any person whose name has been removed from the membership list for nonpayment of dues may be readmitted upon re-application in regular form, the re-application being accompanied by the appropriate fees and dues.

Section One: Initiation Fee
An initiation fee of $10 will be paid by any person accepted as a new member.

Section Two: Reinstatement Fee
A reinstatement fee of $5 will be paid by any person whose previous membership has lapsed. A waiver can be approved by the Executive Committee.

Section Three: Annual Dues
Annual dues will be established by the Executive Committee for Active, Associate, and Retired members. Annual dues for Associate members shall be less than for Active members. No annual dues will be charged for Honorary members of the society or members selected as the Outstanding PHA.

Chapter Two


Article One: Selection of Officers

The officers of the Society shall be President, President-elect, Recorder, Treasurer, and Exemplar. The Recorder and Treasurer will be elected biennially by a ballot distributed by and returned to the Recorder by mail or e-mail; each will serve a two-year term. The President-elect will be elected annually by a ballot distributed by and returned to the Recorder by mail or e-mail, and shall become President for one year upon completion of one year as President-elect. Geographic locations of members shall not disqualify them from holding office.

The most senior Public Health Advisor, based on years of service as determined by the Executive Committee, currently employed by CDC or ATSDR headquarters or supported by a CDC field position, who has served at least two years in a field assignment shall be appointed by the President as the Watsonian Society Exemplar. Should this person leave his or her CDC position or decline to accept this post, other eligible candidates will be appointed on the basis of seniority. The Exemplar may also be nominated for and elected to any other office of the society.

The Executive Committee will provide the membership with a slate of proposed officers, but members may vote for persons not listed by the Executive Committee.

Vacancies that occur by resignation, death, or disability may be filled by appointment by the President for the remainder of the term.

Article Two: Selection of Other Executive Committee Members

The Retiree Representative and the Field Staff Representative shall be nominated and elected in the manner described in Article One regarding the Officers of the Society. Both shall hold their elected positions for a 2-year term unless re-elected or replaced, also as specified in Article One. The Field Staff Representative shall be a CDC field assignee and hold his or her position for the elected term unless the incumbent accepts a CDC headquarters or other position out of the field. Upon the official transfer date to Atlanta, if greater than one year remains in their term, the Executive Committee shall conduct a special election to fill the former incumbent's unexpired term from among persons who are CDC field assignees.


Article Three: Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the society shall be as follows:

A. President: The President shall preside in person or by telephone at all general meetings of the society and shall perform the customary and parliamentary duties established by usage. The President shall provide leadership in activities designed to achieve the society's objectives, as stated in the constitution. The President will chair the Executive Committee.
B. President-elect: The President-elect shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the death, incapacity, or request of the President. The President-elect shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and upon completion of the term as President-elect, assume the responsibilities of the President..
  The President-elect shall receive nominations for and coordinate the elections of the Honorary Public Health Advisor.
C. Recorder: The Recorder shall be responsible for the maintenance of all official records of the society, other than financial records. The Recorder shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a directory of CDC Public Health Advisors, both active and inactive, eligible for membership in the society. The Recorder shall conduct all elections and referenda undertaken by the society and shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for conducting the financial affairs of the society in accordance with the provisions of Chapter Three, Finances, and shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
E. Exemplar: The Exemplar shall ensure that the history and condition of the Public Health Advisor series are communicated to the Executive Committee and to the membership. The Exemplar shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
F. Retiree Representative: The Retiree Representative shall participate as a member of the Executive Committee and represent the interests of retired members of the Society.
G. Field Staff Representative: The Field Staff Representative shall participate as a member of the Executive Committee by conference call, or in person when possible and represent the interests of CDC field assignees who are members of the Society.

Chapter Three


Article One: Sources of Funds

Funds necessary for carrying out the activities of the society shall be raised by the collection of membership dues, special membership assessments, and by any other manner approved by the Executive Committee and consistent with regulations and policies of the CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the United States government.

Article Two: Deposit of Monies

The Treasurer shall deposit all monies received in an interest-bearing account in the name of the Watsonian Society.

Article Three: Payment of Monies

Monies shall be paid out only by numbered voucher checks signed by the Treasurer or, in an emergency, by the President of the Society.

Article Four: Payment of Bills

The correctness of every bill shall be certified by the Treasurer or, in an emergency, by the President of the Society.

Article Five: Auditing of Accounts

On or about February 1 of each year, the Executive Committee shall arrange for an appropriate audit of the Society's accounts from the previous calendar year.

Article Six: Annual Financial Report

The Treasurer shall balance the accounts of the Society on December 31 of each year and prepare the annual financial report which shall be made available to the Executive Committee by January 20 of each year and provided to the membership within six months of its submission.

Chapter Four

Organization of Chapters

Article One: Eligibility

A chapter will represent the Watsonian Society, an Organization for Public Health Advisors, in a designated geographic area. Members of the Watsonian Society, as defined in Chapter One of these bylaws, may also join the chapter in their geographic area. Chapter and individual members must abide by the constitution and bylaws of the Watsonian Society and reside in the geographic area.

Section One.- Geographic Area

Geographic area will be noted in further text as a local area, and the geographic limits of a local area will be determined by the Executive Committee. Chapter members may petition the Executive Committee to alter the geographic area their chapter represents.

Article Two: Establishment of Chapters

A chapter may be established by ten Watsonian Society members, living or working in the local area, by signing and presenting a petition requesting formation of a new chapter to the Executive Committee. If the petition is approved, the Executive Committee will issue a Certificate of Chapter, signed by the President and the Recorder. The chapter serves at the discretion of the Executive Committee and may be dissolved at any time. The Recorder will keep a copy of the original Certificate of Chapter on file and will send the Certificate of Chapter to the chapter Recorder-Treasurer.

Section One: Chapter Membership

The chapter shall have at least ten members in good standing at the beginning of each membership year. The chapter has until the end of February of each year to meet the established minimum level of membership and submit a list of names and addresses to the Society Recorder. Any member shall be able to transfer membership from one chapter to another, provided geographic guidelines are met.

Article Three: Review of Chapters

Each year, the Executive Committee shall conduct a review of the chapter to ascertain whether the chapter is fulfilling the obligations as established in this constitution and these bylaws. Any delinquencies shall be connected by the deadline established by the Executive Committee, which will provide specific instances of delinquencies.

Article Four: Dissolution of Chapter

A chapter may be dissolved if membership falls below the established or if, in the judgment of the Executive Committee, the chapter is not in compliance with the purpose of the society as stated in the constitution and bylaws. In the event that a chapter of the Watsonian Society is dissolved, any assets owned will be donated to a non-profit organization(s) as determined by the Executive Committee.

Article Five: Selection of Officers

The officers of the chapter shall be a Director, an Associate Director, and a Recorder-Treasurer. These officers together shall constitute the Board of Directors, which shall be chaired by the Director of the chapter. All officers of chapters shall be elected annually by a ballot distributed by and returned to the chapter Recorder-Treasurer. Each term of office will be one year beginning January 1 of each year. Elections will be held on or about October 1 for terms beginning the following year. The outgoing Board of Directors will appoint a Nominating Committee to recommend a slate of proposed officers for election. Chapter members may vote for persons not listed by the Nominating Committee. Vacancies that occur before completion of a term shall be filled by the Chapter Director, in consultation with the President of the society. The appointee will serve the remainder of the term. A chapter officer shall resign from chapter responsibilities upon election or appointment to a national office.

Article Six: Duties and Responsibilities 
of Chapter Officers

The duties and responsibilities of the chapter officers shall be as follows:

A. Director: The Director shall preside in person or by telephone at all general meetings of the chapter and shall perform the customary and parliamentary duties established by usage. The Director shall provide leadership in activities designed to achieve the Society and chapter objectives. The Director shall serve as a nonvoting member of the Watsonian Society Executive Committee and be responsible for communications with the Executive Committee. The Director shall be responsible for returning the Certificate of Chapter upon dissolution. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms as Director.

B. Associate Director: The Associate Director shall direct chapter efforts to enhance professional development within the local chapter and will serve in the absence of the Director. The Associate Director shall assume the duties of the Director in the event of death, incapacity, request of the Director, request of the Executive Committee, or relocation of the Director. Vacancies of the Associate Director will be filled in accordance with Article Five.

C. Chapter Recorder-Treasurer: The chapter Recorder-Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all official records of the chapter. This includes establishing and maintaining a directory of local CDC Public Health Advisors, both active and inactive, eligible for membership; conducting all chapter elections; and conducting financial affairs in accordance with Article Eight.

Article Seven: Conflict Resolution

Section One: Disputes Between Chapters

Any unresolved disputes that arise between chapters shall be brought to the Executive Committee for resolution. The Executive Committee's decision is final and shall be observed by all parties involved.

Section Two: Removal of a Chapter Officer

At the written request of at least two thirds of the chapter membership, the President of the Watsonian Society can remove any or all chapter officers. Vacancies will be filled in accordance with Article Five and Article Six B.

Article Eight: Chapter Finances

Section One: Finances

Funds necessary for carrying out the activities of the chapter shall be raised by one of the three mechanisms outlined in the following. These mechanisms must be consistent with regulations and policies of CDC, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the United States government.

A. Origination Funds: Upon successful petitioning to establish a chapter, the Executive Committee will transfer funds to the local chapter in the amount of at least $100. Origination funds are available only when a chapter is established. However, if a chapter is dissolved, new origination funds may be issued upon reestablishment.

B. Annual Dues of the Chapter Members: The annual society dues of chapter members will be paid to the Treasurer of the society. Upon collection of such dues, the Treasurer of the society will return a portion of the dues to the chapter. The exact proportion will be established by the Executive Committee.

C. Special Assessments: The Board of Directors may petition the Executive Committee, with the President of the Society having final authority, to implement a special assessment or other manner of collecting funds for the chapter membership.

Section Two: Deposit of Monies

The chapter Recorder-Treasurer shall deposit all monies received in a financial facility account in the name of the Watsonian Society Local chapter name.

Section Three: Disbursement and Payment of Monies

Monies shall be paid out only by numbered voucher checks signed by the chapter Recorder-Treasurer or, in his or her absence or an emergency, by the Director. Upon dissolution of a chapter, all funds shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the society.

Section Four.- Payment of Bills

The correctness of every bill shall be certified by the Recorder-Treasurer or, in his or her absence or an emergency, by the Director of the chapter.

Section Five: Auditing of Accounts

On or about December 1 of each year, the Board of Directors shall arrange for an appropriate audit of the chapter's accounts.

Section Six.- Annual Financial Report

The chapter Recorder-Treasurer shall balance the accounts of the chapter by December 31 of each year, prepare the annual financial report which shall be made available to the Board of Directors by January 20 and forwarded to the Executive Committee by the end of February each year. This information will be made available to the membership within three months of its submission to the Executive Committee.

Chapter Five

Conflict of Interest

No officer, member of the Executive Committee, or representative of this Society shall accept gratuities or any other benefits, directly or indirectly, from sellers of goods or services doing or soliciting business with the Society, or receive special discounts over and above those available to members.

Chapter Six


In the event that the Watsonian Society is dissolved, any assets owned will be donated to a non-profit organization(s) as determined by the Executive Committee.

Constitution and bylaws revised and approved August 4, 2004

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