Table 11A. Chlamydia — Reported Cases by Race/Ethnicity, Age Group, and Sex, United States*, 2015

This web page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being updated. Newer data is available on the STD Data and Statistics page.

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Age Group American Indians/
Alaska Natives
Asians Blacks Native Hawaiians/
Other Pacific Islanders
Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female
0- 4 4 1 3 4 2 2 123 40 83 1 0 1
5- 9 2 0 2 0 0 0 46 5 41 0 0 0
10-14 168 8 160 42 3 39 4,215 575 3,636 19 3 16
15-19 4,065 701 3,362 2,656 404 2,248 125,272 32,090 93,081 709 109 598
20-24 5,833 1,256 4,577 6,766 1,662 5,097 168,671 54,126 114,437 1,325 315 1,010
25-29 3,435 925 2,510 4,344 1,562 2,779 75,111 30,211 44,854 703 211 492
30-34 1,663 457 1,206 2,341 920 1,418 29,763 13,857 15,877 359 107 252
35-39 769 205 563 1,298 556 741 13,472 7,109 6,358 152 53 99
40-44 338 90 248 756 351 405 6,156 3,665 2,483 53 21 32
45-54 292 97 195 672 329 342 5,620 3,625 1,993 49 19 30
55-64 61 21 40 183 81 102 1,559 1,007 549 14 8 6
65+ 10 6 4 41 22 19 232 154 78 0 0 0
Unknown Age 12 4 8 16 2 14 175 70 102 9 3 5
TOTAL 16,652 3,771 12,878 19,119 5,894 13,206 430,415 146,534 283,572 3,393 849 2,541
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Age Group Whites Multirace Hispanics Other/
Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female
0- 4 89 38 51 4 1 3 65 25 40 215 82 133
5- 9 20 2 18 1 0 1 29 3 26 46 8 38
10-14 1,664 92 1,568 73 2 71 1,305 150 1,154 3,039 366 2,652
15-19 89,407 14,240 75,106 2,316 369 1,947 49,487 9,314 40,138 115,522 25,013 90,068
20-24 148,222 41,176 106,961 3,007 855 2,150 77,198 19,982 57,150 176,303 52,067 123,662
25-29 69,337 26,103 43,176 1,304 596 707 39,781 13,494 26,247 84,831 30,878 53,681
30-34 29,965 12,981 16,965 593 360 232 19,281 7,170 12,089 39,202 15,783 23,316
35-39 13,944 6,650 7,280 280 195 84 9,579 3,764 5,807 20,057 8,420 11,570
40-44 7,114 3,864 3,249 163 130 32 4,728 2,024 2,693 10,890 4,939 5,924
45-54 7,485 5,170 2,309 182 148 34 3,768 1,959 1,803 10,536 5,491 5,012
55-64 2,192 1,685 507 34 27 7 684 367 317 2,975 1,666 1,299
65+ 448 342 105 8 7 1 111 63 47 735 442 288
Unknown Age 178 55 120 5 0 5 176 47 126 607 220 345
TOTAL 370,065 112,398 257,415 7,970 2,690 5,274 206,192 58,362 147,637 464,958 145,375 317,988

* Includes 50 states reporting race/ethnicity data in the Office of Management and Budget compliant formats in 2015.

†Total includes cases reported with unknown sex.

NOTE: These tables should be used only for race/ethnicity comparisons. See Table 10 for age-specific cases and rates and Tables 3-5 for total and sex-specific cases and rates.
Cases in the 0-4 age group may include cases due to perinatal transmission.

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